Дисертація містить результати дослідження методика етнокультурної педагогічної підтримки особистості майбутнього вчителя музики в процесі фахової підготовки. Проаналізовано стан даної проблеми у науковій літературі, у теорії та практиці фахової підготовки студентів. Визначено загальну структуру і зміст етнохудожньої підготовленості майбутніх учителів музики, описані особливості процесу її формування в умовах педагогічних ВНЗ. Розроблено методику формування етнокультурної підготовленості майбутніх учителів музики, яка включала діагностично-організаційний, аналітично-трансформаційний. проектно-творчий та інтеграційно-узагальнюючий етапи, та визначені педагогічні умови підвищення ефективності цього процесу. Результативність застосованої методики виявилась у позитивній динаміці рівнів сформованості етнокультурної підготовленості студентів експериментальної групи за всіма критеріями і показниками порівняно з контрольною.
Диссертация содержит результаты исследования методики этнокультурной поддержки будущих учителей музыки в процессе профессиональной подготовки. Проанализировано состояние данной проблемы в научной литературе, в теории и практике профессиональной подготовки студентов. Определена общая структура и содержание этнохудожсственной подготовленности будущих учителей музыки, описаны особенности процесса ее формирования в условиях педагогических вузов. Разработана методика формирования этнокультурной подготовленности будущих учителей музыки, которая включает диагностикчески-организационный, аналитически-трансформациоппый, проектно-творческий, иптеграционно-обобщающий этапы, определены педагогические условия повышения эффективности этого процесса. Результативность разработанной методики проявилась в положительной динамике уровней сформированности этнокультурной подготовленности студентов экспериментальной группы по всем критериям и показателям в сравнении с контрольной.
The thesis presents theoretical analyze of scientific approaches to the problem of ethno-cultural pedagogical support, literature sources of researched problem from philosophy, psychological, ethnological, music, pedagogy aspects; generalized history-cultural aspects of future music teachers education, the base methodological research vectors are defined. Problems of humans’ social adaptation in another conditions emotionalized different generations and specialists recently. Mentioned problems are unresolved at present, while new demands in society and special fields are in question. The important aspects of problems are process of students' adaptation at the process of abroad education. Significance of problem defined as importance of educational field as a potential of development of society and integral base of human foundation in social group or nation. Ethno-cultural pedagogical support of future music teacher defined as helping student in self-recognition (ethno-cultural self-identification, national culture, ethnical self-recognition); conduction to human rights defending, goal and assignments designation, students demands and opportunities in preventing barriers and problems, which keep from positive and success in education, communication and specialized improvement in multicultural society of high educational establishment. On base of system analyze of theoretical fundamentals the problems of ethnocultural pedagogical support of future music teacher following structural components of were defined: cognitive-constructive, motivation-emotive and active-communicative. Argued pedagogical aspects that influence on effective process of ethno-cultural pedagogical support of future music teacher: formation of favorable national and regional educational policy that comprises human paradigm and presents social-cultural specification, stimulates development of students feeling and emotions necessary for international cooperative and understanding, defining and development of ethnical pluralism in educational society, respect for individual cultural identification, guarantee of liberty and defending minorities rights, recognition of equal rights and duties, formation optimistic atmosphere of human development. Developed experimental methodology of ethno-cultural pedagogical personal support according to demands of contemporary multicultural education presents ways and conditions of their realization on practice. Af process of creation the authors' methodology specific of region was considered according to regional culture, personal opportunities, high educational establishment, unique of every student and his personal development of cautiousness, goals, creativeness, self-regulation and reflection; adaptation opportunities to life in multicultural society with different nations, confessions. The content of multicultural society was considered as science, artistic and social experience and traditions, religion and other values are present and demand of implementation of ethno-cultural students’support in forming socio-cultural situation. Experimental methodology of ethno-cultural pedagogical personal students’ support is a type of organizational of govern the pedagogical process in educational multicultural society of high educational establishment which comprises realization of ideas and values of variety cultures, such that student get guaranteed conditions of cultural development and human education which conducts ethno-cultural pedagogical support and self-individualization, which forming moral and psychological atmosphere facilitating self-organization, self-realization and personal development. The following principles are: national identifying, multicultural, humanization, democratization of education, regionalizing of education, integration and globalization, justice and equality, open-mind. Diagnostic experiment revealed functional and content features of ethno-cultural pedagogical support future music teachers. The following functions arc: adaptation, social-legal, cultural, educational and social-educational. Structure of ethno-cultural promptitude comprises the following components: cognitive-constructive, motivated-emotional and active-communicative. Analyze of research results present effectiveness of determined methodology of ethno-cultural pedagogical support of future music teachers. Conducted experiment proposed fundamentals developments of levels formation of ethno-cultural pedagogical readiness to support of future music teachers of experimental group. Practical importance of results defined by effectiveness of proposed methodology of formation of ethno-cultural pedagogical readiness to support of future music teachers; using research information for improvement content of educational programs for future music teachers and practical recommendations for students of high educational establishments.