У дисертаційній роботі вперше обгрунтовано, експериментально перевірено та впроваджено методичну систему формування технологічної компетентності майбутніх екологів. У роботі обгрунтовано необхідність упровадження компетентнісного підходу до вивчення основ виробництва з урахуванням специфіки утворення ресурсів, їх раціонального використання, перероблення, використання готової продукції та впливу цих процесів на навколишнє природне середовище. Виявлено та теоретично обгрунтовано педагогічні умови формування технологічної компетентності майбутніх екологів. Проведене експериментальне дослідження підтвердило ефективність розробленої методичної системи формування технологічної компетентності майбутніх екологів. що супроводжувалось статистично обгрунтованим підвищенням рівня технологічної компетентності майбутніх екологів.
В диссертационной работе впервые обосновано, экспериментально проверено и внедрено методическую систему формирования технологической компетентности будущих экологов. В работе обоснована необходимость внедрения компетентностного подхода к изучению основ производства с учетом специфики образования ресурсов, их рационального использования, переработки, использования готовой продукции и влияния этих процессов на окружающую среду. Выявлены и теоретически обоснованы педагогические условия формирования технологической компетентности будущих экологов. Проведенное экспериментальное исследование подтвердило эффективность разработанной методической системы формирования технологической компетентности будущих экологов, сопровождалось статистически обоснованным повышением уровня технологической компетентности будущих экологов.
During the research it was shown that the technological preparation of future ecologistsis important for the training of a competent specialist in the environmental protection in order to prevent the negative impact of technological processes on the environment.
The methodical bases of implementation of the competence approach in the process of formation of technological competence of future environmentalists, in particularia model for forming the technological competence of the future environmentalists is created: continuity in the teaching of technical and technological disciplines and the practical orientation of the learning process are secured: the modular system of organization of the educational process of teaching of technical and technological disciplines was implemented; systematic assessment of student achievements was done. The research of different approaches to the study of technical and technological disciplines of future environmentalists has led to the development of an author's model for the formation of technological competence of future environmentalists with observance of the requirements of educational standards, with taking into account the psychological and pedagogical principles of student learning, with the definition of the invariant and variational components of the content of training, with the deepening of theoretical knowledge of courses of technical and technological disciplines.with a combination of theoretical and practical training, with the creation of pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the developed methodology. For this purpose, we have installed and grounded the parameters of the methodological system of forming the technological competence of future ecologists, which are united in one whole on the basis of the concept of the interaction of fundamentalism and professional learning orientation. Due to the faet that the model is based on the principles of openness and interactivity, it provides an opportunity for its constant updating in the content, forms, methods and means of learning with the development of production and teaching technology. The combination of the obtained scientific results allowed to qualify the dissertation as a theoretical generalization of scientific and methodological researches of domestic and foreign scientists and own researches of the author, the experience of domestic universities in the competence - based training of future ecologists. The conducted experimental research revealed an increase of the level of technological competence of future environmentalists, which solves the socially significant problem of improving the methodology of teaching technically and technological disciplines by future environmentalists in order to form their technological competence.
Thus, in the dissertation the concept of formation of technological competence of future ecologistsin the process of professional training, which provides training of a competent specialist capable of high - quality professional activity- was proposed; it is substantiated that the great importance in the new socio - economic conditions of growing environmental tension, a shortage of many types of agricultural and industrial resources acquires modernization of training of ecologists. Changes in the society require the restoration and improvement of the normal functioning of many industries, taking into account their environmental impact, and consequently the appropriate staffing, specialists who would be able to evaluate it and propose measures to reduce such impact.