У дисертації запропоновано новий графо-матричний підхід до моделювання лексико-семантичного поля криза / crisis в українській та англійській мовах; побудувано матриці мікрополів лексико-семантичного поля криза / crisis, що презентують співвідношення лексичного та семного складу мікрополів; сконструйовано графи мікрополів лексико-семантичного поля криза / crisis, які унаочнюють безпосередні та опосередковані відношення між одиницями поля; визначено основні семантичні центри та мікроцентри в організації поля; розкрито характер функціонування одиниць лексико-семантичного поля криза /crisis y текстах інформаційних повідомлень періодичних видань України та Великобританії.
В диссертации предложен новый графо-матричный подход к моделированию лексико-семантического поля кризис / crisis в украинском и английском языках; построены матрицы микрополей лексико-семантического поля кризис / crisis, представляющих соотношение лексического исемного составов микрополей; сконструированы графы микрополей, которые наглядно демонстрируют непосредственные и опосредованные отношения между единицами поля; определены основные семантические центры и микроцентры в организации поля; раскрыт характер функционирования единиц лексико-семантического поля кризис / crisis в текстах информационных сообщений периодических изданий Украины и Великобритании.
The thesis presents a new formalized approach to modeling lexical field crisis in Ukrainian and English. This research supports structural, systematic approach to the studied lexical field in the above mentioned languages, applying graph and word matrixes methods to analizing the units of the fields. The study has two major purposes: 1) to investigate structural and semantic relations between the lexemes within the lexical field crisis in both langages; 2) to demonstrate the usage of all words of the lexical field in the news texts, revealing their frequency level, typical collocates, functioning of the polysemous words.
The first chapter reveals the notions of lexical system, lexical field, lexical meaning and seme in modern linguistic studies. The results prove that the main goal of the lexical field is the adequate representation of any part of reality or complex of concepts, referring to the defined sphere of human experience. Thus, a language is addressed as an intermediary conceptual zone between human consciousness and reality.
In the second chapter the material and the methods applied in the thesis were defined. On the basis of graph and word matrix approaches the units of the fields were represented in semantic maps, matrixes for illustrating their direct and indirect relations, polysemous words and highly functional semes. The functional aspect of the study aimed at testing frequency of the lexemes in the news texts with the help of WordSmith Tools (2013) programme.
In the third chapter the common and distinctive features of the lexical field crisis in Ukrainian and English are revealed on the basis of researching the semantical and structural relations between the elements. As a result of the decomposition analysis, both fields demonstrate complex structure - nine subfields in each language illustrating core of the field, near core zone and periphery. The differences demonstrate the quantity of words in the fields and their semantic structure, paradigmatic relations between the lexemes and types of oppositions within the fields' systems, the representation of graph maps and semantic centers in contrasting lexical-semantic fields.
In the fourth chapter the focus is on the functioning of the words of lexical field crisis in the news texts. As a result of statistical measuring of each lexeme's frequency level all words were classified into the groups of high, medium and low frequency lexemes. The resuls helped to demonstrate the words of high demand for presenting the notion of a crisis in the Ukrainian and English news texts. The common feature relates to the high frequency of the words belonging to the subfields political crisis and identity crisis. The most polysemous words appeared to function in the corpus. The context analysis of the usage of key words crisis, kpuza in the news texts indicates the highest representation of the words denoting meanings of economic crisis and political crisis.