Короткий опис(реферат):
This report is developed by the research group in the frame of the project "Developing democracy education in Ukraine, Norway, and Palestine" in cooperation with the University of Southeast Norway (Department of Mathematics and Science Education) and the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology) in partnership with Donbas State Pedagogical University (Slavyansk), NGO "Peace Research Institute in the Middle East" (Beit Jala, Palestine) and NGO "Methodology of EducationResearch, Information and Training Center »(Kyiv), which is carried out in 2018-2021 with the support of the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (DIKU).
The research is one of the comprehensive attempts to analyze the range of definitions of democracy in education, the vision of the place of democratic citizenship in the educational environment, and obstacles to the implementation of civic education and democracy in the pedagogical education in Ukraine.