У статті досліджене питання ролі професії редактора в реалізації державної мовної політики України в засобах масової інформації. Проаналізований підхід вітчизняних науковців до розуміння завдань та переліку професійних навичок редактора, який зіставлений із вимогами роботодавців до кандидатів на заміщення посади редактора. Розглянуто заходи державного регулювання, які сприяли би підвищенню грамотності вітчизняних ЗМІ.
The article is dedicated to examining the role of editor's profession in implementing the state language policy of Ukraine in mass media. An analysis of the domestic scientists’ approach to understanding of the editor’s tasks is made, which is given in comparison with the requirements of employers to candidates for the post of editor. Language ecology of the media space largely depends on how professional editing is. For Ukraine, this issue is especially on time in the conditions of necessity to overcome the consequences of interference of the Ukrainian and Russian languages, which leads to the formation of a surzhyk and eventually to deformation of both languages systems. Today, in the sphere of editorial education it is necessary to strengthen the philological component, and at the state level there is an urgent need for controlling of the quality of media broadcasting and certification of editor`s professional competence. That is why creation of the Speech Quality Certification Department at the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting, in which scholars, writers, professional journalists and editors will participate, is really necessary in order to increase media literacy. This institution should be not consultative but should have authority of true regulator, in particular it should carry out language certification of TV channels and radio stations, which would be obligatory condition for them (while violations of linguistic norms do not lead to real consequences and penalties, it is difficult to achieve respect for them). Observance of language norms in media, improvement of its language ecology will make it possible to turn media from the instrument of surzhykization of Ukrainian population into a true exemplar of speech culture. Thus, the profession of an editor in the context of implementation of the Ukrainian state language policy in press and on television becomes one of the key positions. Editors responsible for raising the prestige of the Ukrainian language: they are able to do it through presentation in media its best samples. Observance of language norms in media, improvement of its language ecology will make it possible to turn media from the instrument of surzhykization of Ukrainian population into a true exemplar of speech culture. For this, it is necessary to take measures at the state level for: 1) raising the prestige of the editor's profession as a `language ecologist`; 2) teaching of philological disciplines in proper scope that is necessary for formation language proficiency of future editors; and 3) legislative mintage of institutions which could provide language certification of media and giving to it real tools for regulating and controlling quality of speech in mass media.