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Ukrainian State University

Богословська освіта як феномен релігійного та світського освітнього простору України

ISSN: 2310-8290

Show simple item record Хромець, Віталій Леонідович 2020-04-06T07:51:19Z 2020-04-06T07:51:19Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation Хромець, Віталій Леонідович. Богословська освіта як феномен релігійного та світського освітнього простору України : автореф. дис. ... докт. філос. наук : 09.00.11 – релігієзнавство / Хромець, Віталій Леонідович ; [наук. консульт. Бондаренко Віктор Дмитрович] ; М-во освіти і науки України, Нац. пед. ун-т ім. М. П. Драгоманова. - Київ, 2019. - 41 с. ua
dc.description.abstract У дисертації вперше здійснено комплексне дослідження богословської освіти в Україні, розроблено історичну та сучасну типологію богословської освіти. Встановлено відмінності релігійного та світського освітнього простору у розвитку богословської освіти. Проаналізовано підходи у розумінні богослов’я та богословської освіти серед українських інтелектуалів. Здійснено диференціацію предметних полів богослов’я та інших галузей знання про релігію. Проаналізовано етапи формування історичного становлення типів богословської освіти на території України. Окреслено мережу центрів богословської освіти в Україні. Реконструйовано етапи нормативно-правового та законодавчого врегулювання функціонування богословської освіти в Україні. Окреслено сучасний дискурс богослов’я та богословської освіти в Україні. Розмежовано поняття світськість і конфесійність в теорії і практиці богословської освіти. Виявлено можливі тенденції розвитку богословської освіти у вітчизняному освітньому просторі. ua
dc.description.abstract For the first time a comprehensive religious analysis of theological education in Ukraine was carried out using descriptive typological approach. The concept of theology and its connection with theological education was clarified. Historical reconstruction of the concept of theology and its use in heathen and Christian traditions was conducted. The sense of the concept of “theology” was specified and its connection with theological education in historical development, which was mainly formed in the Middle Ages, was established. It was defined that the notion of theological education had been connected with the teaching of theology in European medieval universities. The study was conducted to distinguish the object and subject of theology in comparison with other spheres of knowledge about religion such as philosophy of religion, religious philosophy and religious studies. Furthermore, the differences of these spheres were determined, and the distinctive components in the subjects of these spheres, especially, in the context of educational activity were explained. The theological education in historical perspective were classified and historical types of the theological education (catechetical, missionary and apologetic, doxological, academic) were distinguished. These types emerge consistently, thus they exist in parallel for a period, and eventually they combine into doxological and academic types of the theological education. Moreover, the modern types of the theological education (denominational, non-denominational and interdenominational) were made distinctive in the dissertation, and their differences and functional characteristics were described. The qualitative features of the development of the historical forms of the theological education through the different historical periods were identified. The historical stages of the formation of the theological education in the territory of Ukraine were delineated, and the differences and peculiarities of these stages were outlined, mainly, the historical reconstruction of the theological education from the times of Kyiv Rus to the present days. Thus, the emergence of the theological education in the territory of Ukraine and the rudiments of catechetical, missionary and apologetic, doxological theological education were characterized. The development of systematic theological education of the doxological type in the territory of Ukraine was analyzed. The formation of the academic type of the theological education in the territory of Ukraine was demonstrated. The process of establishment of the academic type of the theological education in the territory of Ukraine was detailed. The state of denominational theological education in Ukraine was described, and the peculiarities of denominational theological education were revealed within the historical framework and in modern times of its development. The network of the denominational centers of the theological education was carried out and analyzed. The state of denominational theological education was characterized, also the status of non-denominational and interdenominational theological education was determined. The state of non-denominational and interdenominational theological education in Ukraine was explained in terms of the differences between these types of theological education and their positive and negative points in the modern context. The insufficient level of development of the centers of non-denominational and interdenominational theological education in Ukraine was emphasized. The process of normative legal base of the regulation of the theological education during the Soviet period in the territory of Ukraine was analyzed, and the influence of the developed models on the normative order in the sphere of the theological education in post-Soviet Ukraine was defined. The early formation was characterized, and the changes in the normative legal supply and development of theological education in post-Soviet Ukraine were identified. The search for a legislative solution of recognizing of the results of educational and scientific activities of Ukrainian institutions of higher spiritual education was described. All components of this process were analyzed and explained, and features were formulated. The analysis of the legislative solution and regulation of the recognition of the results of the educational and scientific activities of Ukrainian institutions of higher spiritual education from the beginning of the transformation of Ukrainian educational legislation in 2013-2014 was carried out. The dissertation presents the normative legal regulation of the theological education during the Soviet period. The beginning of the formation of the normative and legal provision of the theological education in the independent Ukraine was restored. The state policy concerning matters of the theological education was characterized. The search for a legislative solution to recognize the results of educational and scientific activities of the institutions of higher spiritual education in Ukraine was demonstrated. Legislative decision on the subject of recognition of the results of the educational activity of Ukrainian institutions of higher spiritual education was determined. Subordinate legislation concerning the recognition of the results of educational and scientific activity of the institutions of higher spiritual education was analyzed. The modern discourse of theology and theological education in Ukraine was outlined. The author presented the features of modern discourse of theology and theological education in Ukraine. The concepts of “secularism” and “denomination” in the theory and practice of theological education were described. The author’s way of considering secularism and denomination in the theory and practice of theological education was presented. The author revealed the tendencies of the development of the theological education in Ukraine, which would determine its development in the near future. The peculiarities of the revealed tendencies of the future development of the theological education in Ukraine were shown and explained in the dissertation. ua
dc.description.abstract Dans la thèse, l’étude complexe de l’éducation théologique en Ukraine a été réalisée pour la première fois, ainsi que la typologie historique et moderne de l’éducation théologique. Les différences entre l’espace éducatif religieux et laïque dans le développement de l’enseignement théologique étaient établies. Les approches de la compréhension de la théologie et de l’éducation théologique parmi les intellectuels ukrainiens étaient analysées. La différenciation des domaines théoriques de la théologie et des autres domaines de la connaissance de la religion était réalisée. Les étapes de la formation historique de types d’éducation théologique sur le territoire de l’Ukraine étaient analysées. Le réseau de centres d'éducation théologique en Ukraine était décrit. Les étapes de la réglementation juridique et législative du fonctionnement de l’éducation théologique en Ukraine ont étaient reconstruites. Le discours moderne de la théologie et de l’éducation théologique en Ukraine était présenté. Les notions de laïcité et de confessionnalité dans la théorie et la pratique de l’éducation théologique étaient distinguées. Les tendances possibles du développement de l'éducation théologique dans l’espace éducatif domestique étaient révélées. ua
dc.language.iso uk ua
dc.publisher Нац. пед. ун-т ім. М. П. Драгоманова ua
dc.subject богослов’я ua
dc.subject богословська освіта ua
dc.subject конфесійна богословська освіта ua
dc.subject міжконфесійна богословська освіта ua
dc.subject неконфесійна богословська освіта ua
dc.subject світськість ua
dc.subject конфесійність ua
dc.subject тенденції богословської освіти ua
dc.subject theology ua
dc.subject theological education ua
dc.subject confessional theological education ua
dc.subject interconfessional theological education ua
dc.subject non-confessional theological education ua
dc.subject secularism ua
dc.subject confessionality ua
dc.subject tendencies of theological education ua
dc.subject la théologie ua
dc.subject la formation théologique ua
dc.subject la formation théologique confessionnelle ua
dc.subject les tendances de la formation théologique ua
dc.subject la formation théologique interconfessionnelle ua
dc.subject la formation théologique non confessionnelle ua
dc.subject.classification 2-75(477) ua
dc.title Богословська освіта як феномен релігійного та світського освітнього простору України ua
dc.type Other ua

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