У дисертації досліджено формування професійної компетентності майбутнього
учителя музики засобами диригентсько-хорових дисциплін.
Виявлено, теоретично обґрунтовано та експериментально перевірено
педагогічні умови формування професійної компетентності майбутнього учителя
музики засобами диригентсько-хорових дисциплін: інтенсифікація освітнього
процесу за рахунок інтеграції змісту підготовки майбутнього учителя музики у
циклі диригентсько-хорових дисциплін та посилення їх міждисциплінарних зв’язків
з іншими циклами професійної підготовки; створення освітнього середовища,
оптимального для творчої самореалізації майбутнього учителя музики у процесі
вивчення диригентсько-хорових дисциплін; сприяння особистісній зорієнтованості
професійного розвитку майбутнього учителя музики через організацію ефективної
самостійної роботи студента; збагачення професійного досвіду майбутнього
учителя музики у роботі зі шкільними хоровими колективами.
Розроблено модель формування професійної компетентності майбутнього
учителя музики засобами диригентсько-хорових дисциплін.
Уточнено зміст понять «формування професійної компетентності майбутнього
учителя музики засобами диригентсько-хорових дисциплін» та «професійна
компетентність майбутнього учителя музики».
Выявлены, теоретически обоснованы и экспериментально проверены
педагогические условия формирования профессиональной компетентности
будущего учителя музыки средствами дирижерско-хоровых дисциплин:
интенсификация образовательного процесса за счет интеграции содержания
подготовки будущего учителя музыки в цикле дирижерско-хоровых дисциплин и
усиления их междисциплинарных связей с другими циклами профессиональной
подготовки; создание образовательной среды, оптимальной для творческой
самореализации будущего учителя музыки в процессе изучения дирижерскохоровых дисциплин; способствование личностной ориентированности
профессионального развития будущего учителя музыки через организацию
эффективной самостоятельной работы студента; обогащения профессионального
опыта будущего учителя музыки в работе со школьными хоровыми коллективами.
Разработана модель формирования профессиональной компетентности
будущего учителя музыки средствами дирижерско-хоровых дисциплин.
Уточнено содержание понятий «формирование профессиональной
компетентности будущего учителя музыки средствами дирижерско-хоровых
дисциплин» и «профессиональная компетентность будущего учителя музыки».
The thesis researches the formation of the professional competence of the future
music teacher by means of choral conducting disciplines.
It also reveals, theoretically substantiates and experimentally verifies the pedagogical
conditions for the formation of the professional competence of the future music teacher by
means of choral conducting disciplines, i.e. intensification of the educational process by
integrating the content of the future teacher's training in the course of choral conducting
disciplines and strengthening their interdisciplinary connections with other vocational
training courses; creating of an educational environment optimal for the creative selfrealization of the future music teacher in the process of studying; promotion of personal
orientation of the professional development of the future music teacher by the
organization of effective student’s self-study; enriching of the professional experience of
the future music teacher while working with school choirs.
The structural components of the professional competence of a future music teacher
include: personal component which involves individual and psychological features, as
well as personality abilities and qualities, motivational component i.e. motivation,
reflexive-orientational, self-regulating elements, cognitive component (psychological and
pedagogical, musical and theoretical, methodological elements) and functional component
(communicative, musical-practical, scientific-creative, control-reflexive elements). A model for forming the professional competence of the future music teacher by
means of choral conducting disciplines has been developed here and consists of the
following units: orientational-target, theoretical-methodological, content, processtechnological and productive. The orientational-target unit includes the goal (the
formation of the professional competence of the future music teacher by means of choral
conducting disciplines) and the task (stimulation of the positive motivation of the future
music teacher to the formation of professional competence by means of choral conducting
disciplines; development of the professional abilities and activating the creativity of the
future music teacher in the process of studying). The theoretical-methodological unit
reveals the methodological approaches, i.e. competence, activity, personality oriented,
systemic, acmeological and principles of formation of the professional competence of a
music teacher (integrity, systematic, integration, aesthetically oriented, individualization,
culture conformity, unity of education and development). The content unit represents the
following disciplines “Choir studies”, “Choral conducting”, “Choral class”, “Choral
arrangement”. The process-technological unit covers forms, methods, means, stages. The
productive unit includes structural components (personal, motivational, cognitive,
activity), criteria (motivational-reflexive, cognitive-perceptional, activity-creative) and
levels (high, medium, low) of formation of a music teacher professional competence. The
overall result is the formation of the professional competence of the future music teacher.
The thesis specifies the difference between the concepts of “forming the professional
competence of a future music teacher by means of choral conducting disciplines” and
“professional competence of a music teacher”. The formation of professional competence
of a future music teacher by means of choral conducting disciplines is considered as a
process of organizing the educational activity of a student of musical specialties in the
institutions of higher pedagogical education, which involves improving acquired and
mastering new professionally important knowledge, skills, qualities and experience in the
process of choral conducting training, which determine the ability to effectively organize
vocal and choral activities of schoolchildren. The professional competence of a music
teacher is interpreted as an integrative unit, which involves a dynamic combination of
knowledge and skills, formed on a person-centered basis, as well as professional
experience, and they collectively determine the effective musical and pedagogical ability,
creative self-realization and permanent professional self-development.
The experimental part of the research includes: the introduction of a comprehensive
studying of conductor-choral disciplines, the organizing a choral laboratory, drawing
experimental groups of students to the participation in creative choir groups, holding a
competition in conducting skills and involving students in conducting within pedagogical
practice in the institutions of general education.
The pedagogical experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the pedagogical
conditions for the formation of the professional competence of the future music teachers
by means of conductor-choral disciplines in the institutions of higher education.