У дисертації досліджено суспільно-політичну думку ранньомодерної
України як комплекс ідей, уявлень, поглядів і концепцій, в яких сконцентроване
знання про політичні явища і процеси в Україні другої половини XVI – XVIII ст.,
природу політичної влади, політичну культуру, суспільний і державний устрій,
права і свободи української людини, роль правових норм, політичних і релігійно-
культурних факторів у реформуванні українського суспільства і становленні
національної ідентичності.
Суспільно-політична думка ранньомодерної України розглядається
як один з варіантів синтезу вітчизняної та західноєвропейської культурних
традицій. Її зміст і характер проаналізовано з урахуванням етнонаціонального і
соціокультурного простору українського життя другої половини XVI – XVIII ст.
Встановлено, що особливої значущості для розуміння перспектив національного
будівництва в сучасній Україні набувають фундаментальні основи української
державної ідеї, які були сформульовані в суспільно-політичній думці України
козацької доби.
В диссертации исследовано общественно-политическую мысль Украины
раннего модерна как комплекс идей, представлений, взглядов и концепций,
в которых сконцентрировано знание о политических явлениях и процессах
в Украине второй половины XVI – XVIII вв., природе политической власти,
политической культуре, общественном и государственном строе, правах
и свободах, роли правовых норм, политических и религиозно-культурных
факторов в реформировании украинского общества и становлении национальной
Общественно-политическая мысль Украины раннего модерна
рассматривается как один из вариантов синтеза отечественной и
западноевропейской культурных традиций. Ее содержание и характер проанализированы с учетом этнонационального и социокультурного пространства
украинской жизни второй половины XVI – XVIII вв. Установлено, что особую
значимость для понимания перспектив национального развития в современной
Украине приобретают фундаментальные основы украинской государственной
идеи, которые были сформулированы в общественно-политической мысли
Украины казацкой эпохи.
In the thesis, the socio-political thought of Ukraine of early modernism has been
investigated, its essential characteristics and features were determined in the context of
historical and socio-cultural development. The social and political thought of Ukraine
in early modernism era is viewed as a complex spiritual formation, including the views,
perception, ideas, concepts relating to understanding the problems of political power,
social system, Ukrainian state formation, national identity, interaction of religion
and politics, society and the church in Ukraine of early modernism. The necessity of
the analysis of the social and political thought of Ukraine in the second half of the
16 th – 18 th centuries in the European-wide context is substantiated. It is proved that
the formation of Ukraine of early modernism took place synchronously with similar
processes in Western Europe, and the generally accepted criteria and characteristics of
early modernity era were applied to the analysis of cultural and socio-political processes
in Ukraine.
The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that time the concept of
sociopolitical thought of Ukraine of early modernism was created as a complex of
sociopolitical ideas, attitudes and conceptions in the system of spiritual culture of
Ukraine, formed in the ethno-national and sociocultural space of Ukrainian life in the
second half of the 16 th – 18 th centuries, based on a combination of Rus’ spirituality
influenced by European ideas of humanism, Reformation, Baroque and Enlightenment.
A cognitive model for the study of the sociopolitical thought of Ukraine of early
modernism was developed and tested, taking into account the specifics of historical and
theoretical knowledge. The role of historical memory and national myth in understanding
the social and political thought of Ukraine of early modernism is characterized. The
features of the sociopolitical thought of Ukraine of early modernism, which are caused
by the synthesis of cultural-religious, sociopolitical and legal ideas in the coordinates of Ukrainian spiritual culture are revealed. It has been established that by their nature
and thematic definition the sociopolitical thought of Ukraine of early modernism
differs from both Western European and Russian versions of political doctrines. The
existence of an inextricable link between the Ukrainian social and political thought
of early modernism era and the Ukrainian mentality, value system, ideological
structures, religious beliefs, and national consciousness has been established. It has
been substantiated that the development of the state-forming model of the development
of the Ukrainian starting from the idea of autonomy to independent Ukraine defined
the main trends of Ukrainian social and political thought and practice in the 17 th century
(Ukrainian scribes Yu. Nemyrych, P. Orlyk, B. Khmelnytskyi). It is proved that the
idea of legitimizing the supreme power in the sociopolitical thought of Ukraine at
the beginning of the 18 th century (T. Prokopovych, S. Yavorskyi) corresponded to the
enlightening tendencies of the development of European political theory and political
practice of the times of the absolute monarchy of early modernism.
The analysis of social and political views of Ukrainian polemists of the end of the
16 th – the first third of the 17 th centuries (I. Vyshenskyi, S. Zyzaniy, Z. Kopytenskyi,
G. Smotrytskyi, M. Smotrytskyi, Ch. Filalet), as well as Metropolitan P. Mohyla,
was performed, in which the idea of the relationship of political and religious
spheres, peculiar synchronicity of reforms of the church and Ukrainian society, found
expression. It was proved that the concepts of Cossack statehood (Yu. Nemyrych,
P. Orlyk, B. Khmelnytskyi) and the idea of Ukraine as an independent state became the
basis for political consolidation of Ukrainian society, testified to the need to achieve
political and national independence, the formation of Ukraine’s political subjectivity
on a European scale.
The provisions of the thesis research have theoretical and practical significance,
and the results obtained can serve as the theoretical and methodological foundations of
specific historical and political research. The work creates the prerequisites for a deep
and comprehensive understanding of the problems of the development of Ukraine, its
institutions, political power, the interaction of personality and authorities.