У дисертації вперше запропоновано методичну систему розвитку
дослідницької компетентності учнів ліцею, яка ґрунтується на комплексному
використанні в навчанні фізики інноваційних освітніх моделей. Уперше
запропоновано концептуальні підходи до створення такої системи на основі
цілісної структурно-функціональної моделі, яка повною мірою відображає
цілі, методи, освітні підходи і результати розвитку дослідницької
компетентності. Запропоновано дидактичні умови впровадження в освітній
процес методичної системи розвитку дослідницької компетентності учнів
ліцею шляхом доповнення змісту шкільного курсу фізики системою
дослідницьких завдань, добору і поєднання методів мотивації та формування
в учнів ціннісного ставлення до навчально-пізнавальної діяльності. Для
досягнення найбільшої ефективності функціонування методичної системи
запропоновано використання компетентнісного, діяльнісного, особистісно
орієнтованого і технологічного освітніх підходів, комплексне використання
яких забезпечує позитивний вплив на рівень засвоєння знань і способів
Вперше запропоновано навчально-методичний комплекс «Дослідницька
компетентність: природничо-математичний напрям диференціації». Показано,
що використання навчально-методичного комплексу забезпечить ефективну
реалізацію запропонованої методичної системи та сприятиме формуванню в
учнів знань і умінь, необхідних для успішного розвитку дослідницької
компетентності в освітньому процесі з фізики.
В диссертации впервые предложена методическая система развития
исследовательской компетентности учащихся лицея, которая основывается на
комплексном использовании в обучении физике инновационных
образовательных моделей. Впервые предложены концептуальные подходы к
созданию такой системы на основе целостной структурно-функциональной
модели, которая в полной мере отражает цели, методы и результаты развития
исследовательской компетентности. Предложены дидактические условия
внедрения в образовательный процесс методической системы развития
исследовательской компетентности учащихся лицея путём дополнения
содержания школьного курса физики системой исследовательских заданий,
отбора и сочетания методов мотивации и формирования у учащихся
ценностного отношения к учебно-познавательной деятельности. Для
достижения наибольшей эффективности функционирования методической
системы предложено использование компетентностного, деятельностного,
личностно ориентированного и технологического образовательных подходов,
комплексное использование которых обеспечит положительное влияние на
уровень усвоения знаний и способов деятельности.
Впервые предложен учебно-методический комплекс «Исследовательская
компетентность: естественно-математическое направление
дифференциации». Показано, что использование учебно-методического
комплекса обеспечит эффективную реализацию предложенной методической
системы и будет содействовать формированию у учащихся знаний и умений,
необходимых для успешного развития исследовательской компетентности в
образовательном процессе по физике.
The problem of developing research competence of lyceum students in the
process of teaching Physics was considered in the dissertation. The suggested
concept of research realizes activity, personal, technological and competent
approaches in the methodics of teaching Physics at the present stage of
development of secondary education in Ukraine. Due to this, it is marked by the
appropriate choice of aims and objectives, organizational forms, methods and
means of teaching in their rational combination in the current conditions of
organization of educational process in the profile teaching Physics in the lyceums.
For the first time it was proposed:1) the theoretical and methodical principles
of developing lyceum students research competence in the process of teaching
Physics on the basis of activity, personal, technological and competence
approaches; 2) the conceptual gtounds of creating teaching-methodical system of
developing lyceum students research competence in the process of teaching
Physics on the basis of a holistic structural-functional model; 3) the educational-
methodical system «Developing students research competence in the process of
teaching Physics at lyceums of natural-mathematical profile» based on the
integrated use in educational process of innovative educational models.
In the work the theoretical and methodical grounds of the didactic conditions
of implementing into the educational process the structural and functional model of
developing lyceum students research competence in the process of teaching
Physics by supplementing the contents of the school course of Physics with the
system of research tasks, selection and combination of methods of motivation and
development of values attitude to educational and cognitive activity.
In the work the following items were improved:1) the theory and methodology
of competence-oriented teaching Physics in lyceum on the basis of the activity
approach; 2) methods of teaching Physics to students of lyceum on the basis of the
use of personally oriented, developmental and practical-oriented learning
technologies. The further developed aspects are the following:1) methodical approaches to
designing the content of general secondary education through the use of
pedagogical innovations in the educational process (projects, web quests,
experimental tasks); 2) the theoretical grounds of the educational and cognitive
activity, in particular adding the research component in the context of the
competent approach to teaching Physics; 3) conceptual and terminological basis of
the competence approach, in particular the notion of «research competence»;
4) structure and content of the research competence in the part of innovative
methods of its forming; 5) criteria, indicators and methods for diagnosing the
levels of the development of students research competence.
The practical value of the obtained results consists in developing and
introducing into the educational process in Physics at the lyceum of the natural and
mathematical direction of differentiation the integrated educational-methodical
complex «Research competence: natural and mathematical direction of
differentiation» which contains the following components: 1) educational and
methodical manual for teachers of Physics «Pedagogical innovations in the
organization of students independent work in Physics»; 2) educational and
methodical manual for students, teachers of Physics, students of pedagogical
universities of training direction 6.040203 Physics* and specialty 8.04020301
Physics* «Research activity of senior students in the process of teaching Physics»;
3) educational and methodical manual for teachers of Physics «Teacher's advice:
research projects in Physics for senior students»; 4) educational and methodical
manual for teachers of Physics «Tips for the teacher: web quests in Physics»;
5) educational and methodical manual for teachers of Physics «Teacher's Tips:
Experimental Tasks in Physics»; 6) author's special course «Using the research
method in the course of Physics of the comprehensive school» for the students of
the educational degree «Bachelor» (4th year) and «Master» (1st year) specialty 014
Secondary education in specialization 014.08 Secondary education (Physics);
7) author's educational discipline «Pedagogical Technologies of Work with Gifted
Youth» for students of educational degree «Bachelor» (4th year) specialty 014
Secondary education of subject specialty 014.08 Secondary education (Physics);
8) the program of the research group «Physics and Astronomy» at the Hlukhiv
Town Out-of-School Centre (2014–2019).
The educational-methodical complex «Research competence: natural and
mathematical direction of differentiation» intended for the development of research
competence of students in Physics in lyceums of the natural and mathematical
direction of differentiation was suggested for the first time. It was shown that the
use of the teaching-methodical complex will provide pedagogical conditions that
will promote the formation of the students’ knowledge and skills necessary for
carrying out research activities.
The pedagogical expediency of the developed educational and methodical
system for ensuring the conditions for developing lyceum students research
competence at the lyceum of the natural-mathematical profile in the process of
teaching Physics: planning, formulation and organization of the strategy of
teaching Physics in the lyceum on the basis of activity, personal, technological and
competence approaches were tested experimentally; definition of the qualifying
period of the experiment was suggested; specifying the general hypothesis of the
theoretical basis of the dissertation work was given; search and identification of the
limits of implementing it into the educational process in the context of the
development of students research competence at the lyceum in Physics were
shown; analysis of materials for molding and control experiments using criteria F-
Fisher, Pearson (χ
) were represented; identification of active directions for the
further development of the theory of forming and developing lyceum students
research competence in the process of teaching Physics was shown; transformation
of the relationship between the theoretical and empirical approaches for practical
application in education in Physics was presented. The results of the study can be used by teachers in the process of teaching
Physics in lyceums, in the further research on the problem of forming and
developing students research competence at the comprehensive educational
institutions; in higher pedagogical educational institutions for training future
Physics teachers for the development of students' research competence; in
institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education in the process of teachers
training; during independent education of students and teachers of Physics.