Дисертацію присвячено проблемі навчання діловодства майбутніх
педагогів професійного навчання.
У дисертації досліджено роль діловодства у професійній діяльності
майбутніх фахівців. Вперше теоретично обґрунтовано, розроблено та
апробовано методику навчання діловодства майбутніх педагогів професійного
навчання із застосуванням цифрових технологій; запропоновано модель
методики навчання діловодства майбутніх педагогів професійного навчання із
застосуванням цифрових технологій.
Результатом дослідження є авторський електронний курс «Сучасне
діловодство», який дозволяє поєднувати традиційні та дистанційні форми
навчання. Визначено критерії, рівні та засоби оцінювання рівня підготовки
майбутніх педагогів професійного навчання з діловодства.
У ході дослідження з’ясовано, що розроблена методика навчання
діловодства майбутніх педагогів професійного навчання із застосуванням
цифрових технологій є результативною і може бути рекомендованою до
впровадження у навчальний процес закладів вищої освіти України.
Диссертация посвящена проблеме обучения делопроизводству будущих
педагогов профессионального обучения.
В диссертации исследована роль делопроизводства в профессиональной
деятельности будущих специалистов. Впервые теоретически обоснована,
разработана и апробирована методика обучения делопроизводству будущих
педагогов профессионального обучения с применением цифровых технологий;
предложена модель методики обучения делопроизводству будущих педагогов
профессионального обучения с применением цифровых технологий.
Результатом исследования является авторский электронный курс
«Современное делопроизводство», который позволяет сочетать традиционные
и дистанционные формы обучения. Определены критерии, уровни и средства
оценивания уровня подготовки будущих педагогов профессионального
обучения по делопроизводству.
В ходе исследования установлено, что разработанная методика обучения
делопроизводства будущих педагогов профессионального обучения с
применением цифровых технологий является результативной и может быть
рекомендованной к внедрению в учебный процесс высших учебных заведений
The thesis is devoted to the problem of records management teaching among
professional education teachers.
As a result of theoretical analysis, the content of the following basic terms are
specified at the thesis: «professional education», «professional education teacher»,
«document», «documentation», «records management», «documents flow» and
«electronic document flow». The role of records management in the main economical areas of a country has
been analyzed. It has been determined that knowledge in this area increasingly often
is taken into account during activities of enterprises (institutions, organizations) in
various industries, and make a significant contribution to the efficiency of enterprises
work. The role of electronic document management systems (in particular at
professional (technical) and higher education institutions) has been emphasized. It
has been found out that the main tendencies are: the switching to electronic document
flow with the possible full switch to electronic document flow systems.
The analysis of the existing education state of the record management teaching
among professional education teachers has been made. It has been determined that
the existing system of training has a number of problems, i.e. the following: the lack
of an integrated approach to the problem of using the latest digital technologies in the
study process; insufficient multimedia support of the educational process; Lack of
time for mastering the entire range of discipline material.
The actual types of electronic learning resources have been considered and it
has been determined that while studying records management it is expedient to use
both: the basic set of typical resources and specific means, e.g. systems of electronic
document flow. It has been revealed that the use of an organized set of electronic
resources integrated in the envelope of the electronic course will be more effective
than their single use.
The methodological model of the record management teaching among
professional education teachers is developed and scientifically substantiated. The aim
of this model is to create a clear and structured approach to the record management
teaching and to provide the correspondence of the objectives of the discipline to the
modern requirements for the specialists’ qualification. It has been determined that
one of the key elements of the model should be the electronic course «Modern
records management».
The methodology of studying of the record management teaching of future
professional education teachers with the use of digital technologies has been
suggested. The methodology is based on a combination of traditional and digital
learning technologies. The key elements of the developed methodology and the
methods of their use for solving the described problems while teaching the discipline
«Modern document flow» have been described. The methodical approaches for
records management studying of future professional education teachers in the process
of preparing students at the specialty 015 «Professional education (in specialization)»
have been improved.
An electronic course «Modern documents flow» has been developed and
tested. Its main components have been detailed. Among them: the lectures abstracts
with integrated hyperlinks, a set of multimedia presentations for lectures, a set of
practical tasks, a test module for student grading, etc.
Experimentally, the effectiveness of the developed methodology has been
checked and the methodological recommendations for its implementation have been
proposed. The methodology, goals and stages of the pedagogical experiment have
been developed. As a result of the pedagogical experiment, it has been proved that
the developed methodology has a statistically significant influence on the level of training of future professional education teachers in record management according to
every of four criteria. In particular, for every of them the measured indicator has
increased significantly. The reliability of the results was verified using the CramerWelch
criteria. It values prove the effectiveness of the developed methodology.
During the research, it was found out that the developed methodology for
records management studying of future professional education teachers is effective
and can be recommended for implementation into the educational process of higher
education institutions in Ukraine.