У дисертації запропоновано авторську концепцію феномена політичного
насилля як політико-культурного явища. Визначено понятійно-категоріальний
апарат, методологічні основи дослідження, структуру, типологію політичного
насилля, індивідуально-психологічний, інституційний та системний виміри
його реалізації.
Досліджено систему детермінації політичного насилля з наголосом на
ролі ціннісно-культурних чинників у розгортанні та поширенні конфліктів й
інших форм протиборства. Визначено загальну динаміку активізації насилля і
тенденції його трансформації через аналіз актуалізації інформаційно-
психологічних та ідеологічних складових. З’ясовано соціокультурні й
геополітичні засади російсько-українського конфлікту. Запропоновано
дворівневу стратегію мінімізації політичного насилля.
В диссертации предложена авторская концепция феномена
политического насилия как политико-культурного явления. Определены
понятийно-категориальный аппарат, методологические основы исследования,
структура, типология политического насилия, индивидуально-психологическое,
институциональное и системное измерения его реализации.
Исследована система детерминации политического насилия с акцентом
на роли ценностно-культурных факторов в развертывании и распространении
конфликтов и других форм противоборства. Определена общая динамика
активизации насилия и тенденции трансформации насилия через анализ
актуализации информационно-психологических и идеологических
составляющих. Освещены социокультурные и геополитические основы
российско-украинского конфликта. Предложена двухуровневая стратегия
минимизации политического насилия.
The dissertation deals with the phenomenon of political violence as a universal
socio-political phenomenon through the context of value-cultural determination.
Conceptual approaches to the analysis of that phenomenon have been conceptualized
on the basis of which the measurement of the implementation of political violence
have been identified and disclosed – subjective, on which it is actualized through a
system of individual psychological motivation, and objective, providing for its
institutionalization in the system of socio-political relations at the national and
international levels.
The conceptual-categorial apparatus, methodological bases of research,
structure, typology of political violence are defined. An expanded interpretation of
political violence as a subject-object transformation implemented through
depersonification and desubjection of the object of influence and embodied in
purposeful coercion with the use of both physical strength and information-
psychological technologies in the context of the implementation of political power is
proposed. As specific features of political violence, focus on power, systemic character, organization, a combination of physical and psychological influence,
polyresource, connection with ideology, in the case of state violence – legitimacy and
legality are allotted.
The leading role of political and cultural factors as part of the mechanism of
determination of political violence, which are the causes of numerous conflicts on the
lines of contact of the interests of communities that are carriers of various value-
cultural systems (ethnonational, confessional, ideological) are characterized, as well
as intensify the confrontation that occurs against the background of actualization of
other reasons. In this regard, it has been established that today one of the dominant
types of armed struggle is the conflicts on the cultural and civilizational basis, which
became more significant after the end of the Cold War, as indicated by the sharp
increase in the number of ethnonational, inter-confessional, separatist conflicts, as
well as international and transnational terrorism, which has a predominantly religious
(Islamist) character.
The dual role of ideologies in relation to the phenomenon of political violence
is defined, which, on the one hand, can be its catalyst, and on the other hand, can be
the part of an integrated mechanism for preventing violence. The tendency of
activation of ultra-right forces is revealed as one of the factors of political violence,
which is based on internal social contradictions caused by the growing sense of the
threat of collective identity of national groups in connection with the actualization of
a number of global problems (including migration), as well as the external influence
of those international actors, interested in the general destabilization. The global and regional trends in the spread of political violence are
characterized, in particular its increase in scales and intensity primarily in regions
such as Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, South and South-East Asia. However,
the intensification of violence also concerns traditionally stable regions, in particular
Europe, where its level has recently increased primarily due to the intensification of
transnational terrorism and separatist conflicts.
The patterns of the qualitative transformation of political violence have been
revealed and characterized, such as: diminishing the role of the state as a subject of
political conflicts, having the monopoly right to use violence, increasing the
participation and influence of non-state actors in confrontation, asymmetrization and
localization of conflicts, a complex combination of «hard» and «soft» force, the
actualization of indirect forms of military-political struggle.
The sociocultural and geopolitical foundations of the Russian-Ukrainian
conflict have been explored through the prism of value-cultural contradictions caused
by differences between different models of collective identity that directly affect
geopolitical orientations and the political choice of citizens.
The author’s two-level strategy for minimizing political violence, implying the
introduction of humanistic value-ideological systems at the domestic level aimed at
creating a culture of peace, and using the newest, complex forms of peacemaking as a
political and legal instrument of external regulation has been proposed.