Проведено емпіричний аналіз вибору стратегії самоствердження серед студентської молоді. Виявлено та представлено взаємозв ’язки вибору стратегії самоствердження з часовими перспективами особистості.
An empirical analysis o f self-affirmation strategy among students. Study is that student age is characterized by
increased non-constructive strategies for self-identity, which are expressed in uncertain or dominant behavior that is
associated with changes in value o f Y. revealed and relationships represented choosing a strategy o f self hortons
personality. We found an increased interest in the past in a negative samopodavlennya representatives strategy, which
affects the outlook and, therefore, the following actions and deeds. Respondents are more likely to recall negative past
is more aggressive, worried, depressed Have weak ego-control, less friendly and stable, rarely respected him.