У роботі на основі комплексного підходу до проблем сучасного освітнього
процесу здійснено теоретичне обґрунтування біфілософської домінанти освітньої
концепції в умовах становлення громадянського суспільства в Україні. Розроблено
біофілософську освітню концепцію, що має прагматичну спрямованість у контексті
становлення вітчизняного громадянського суспільства й полягає в розумінні
сучасної освіти не тільки як процесу здобуття, накопичення та засвоєння знань,
формування вмінь і навичок, а й як інструменту удосконалення адаптаційного
механізму людини до постійно змінюваних умов навколишнього середовища.
Розроблено теоретичну модель біосоціальної компетентності особистості в
вітчизняному освітньому просторі, що охоплює певний комплекс базових
параметрів, кожен із яких зумовлює формування конкретної компетенції, і
розглядається як міра природовідповідності й адекватності людини сучасному
рівню суспільного розвитку, стану матеріальної та духовної культури.
В работе на основе комплексного подхода к проблемам современного
образовательного процесса осуществлено теоретическое обоснование
биофилософской доминанты образовательной концепции в условиях становления
гражданского общества в Украине. Разработана биофилософская образовательная
концепция, имеющая прагматическую направленность в контексте становления
отечественного гражданского общества и заключающаяся в понимании
современного образования не только как процесса приобретения, накопления и
усвоения знаний, но и как инструмента усовершенствования адаптационного
механизма человека к постоянно меняющимся условиям окружающей среды.
Разработана модель биосоциальной компетентности личности в отечественном
образовательном пространстве, охватывающая определенный комплекс базовых
параметров, каждый из которых обуславливает формирование конкретной
компетенции, и рассматривается как мера природосоответствия и адекватности
человека современному уровню общественного развития, состояния материальной
и духовной культуры.
In the thesis the substantiation of the bio-philosophical dominant idea of the
educational concept in the conditions of formation of civil society, with the identification
of social and regulatory features of education in this process, was made. The starting
point of the thesis research is the hypothesis about the need in the conditions of formation
of civil society to adjust through educational institutions, taking into account the complex
biological and social nature of a man, biophilosophical, in particular, biopolitical aspects
of social life, namely the birth rate, state of health, duration and quality of life In general,
by raising the level of personal biosocial competence, as well as adapting the individual
to a constantly changing world. It has been established that in the conditions of the third
millennium the nature, under the influence of human activity, gradually becomes a counterproductive, relative to human, force that can substantially modify or even destroy
the basis of the human life as a biological species; at the same time, the nature itself
under the influence of economic activity is shifting towards irreversible degradation,
forcing humanity to reflect on how to prevent or at least reduce the negative effects of
these changes. Such a state of affairs actualizes the need for a scientific substantiation of
the optimistic-generating and cultural-creative mode of a human in a modern globalized
world that will allow the society to consolidate the efforts of conscious individuals to
solve existential problems.
In the thesis research the biophilosophical educational concept of a new civil
society, which has a pragmatic orientation in the context of the formation of a domestic
civil society, and lies in the understanding of modern education, not only as a process of
obtaining, accumulation and learning of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities,
but also as an instrument for improving the adaptation mechanism to constantly changing
environmental conditions, increasing the level of biosocial competence both as an
individual and the human population in general, is developed. Taking into account the
biopolitical aspect, the modes of socialization of a modern person, with a rather high
level of autonomy of the individual in choosing political positions and the variability of
internal preferences and beliefs have been determined through the functioning of
educational institutions in the context of strategic tasks and global challenges of our time.
It has been established that the anthropocultural dimension of philosophical and
educational paradigms in the conditions of formation of civil society covers not only
various aspects of personal and social life, but also concerns the provisions of the
philosophy of education, the state of its resources – ideological, methodological – in the
conditions of a globalized and informative world. Anthropocultural context of the
formation of philosophical and educational paradigms in the conditions of formation of
civil society led to consideration of the human nature, taking into account its dual nature
essence – biological and social. On the basis of the analysis of the productivity of modern
education in the context of person’s adaptation to life, new civilization conditions and the
accumulation of socially significant personal knowledge, it has been proved that in
today's conditions the role of education as a tool for improving the human adaptation
mechanism to changeable environmental conditions is progressing; therefore – the
progress of the educational system is almost impossible without taking into account the
biopolitical context, since the biopolitics provides the opportunity to examine the
individual simultaneously in the natural-biological and social spheres of its existence.
The acceleration of civilization processes, the exacerbation of environmental problems,
the exponential growth of information volume, the progressive movement towards
integration and the creation of a unified world system, the large-scale introduction of
knowledge-intensive and information technologies definitely affect the state and
development of the educational system.
In the thesis the specific laws that establish the necessary, general, essential links
between the structural elements on which the social construction is constructed, have
been formulated, the nature and vector of their synergy have been studied taking into
account that social institutions, including educational ones, function for the sake of
comprehensive human development with due regard to its complex biosocial nature. A
philosophical rethinking of the phenomenon of biopolitics as a component of biophilosophical knowledge has been made, the validity of its ascendant principles and
concepts in the biological and social sense regarding the role of the educational system
and educational technologies has been determined.
The theoretical model of biococial competence of a person for the domestic
educational environment, covering a certain complex of basic parameters, each of which
determines the formation of specific competence and is considered as a measure of
natural correspondence and adequacy of the individual to the modern level of social
development, the state of material and spiritual culture has been developed. The model of
biosocial competence of a person proposed for the domestic educational environment is
an organic component of the biophilosophical educational concept of a new civil society,
which indicates the need to take into account biofilosophical dominant idea in the
development of new philosophical and educational concepts in view of the
anthropological and anthropogenic crises of the globalized world. The educational model
is proposed to be considered as an adequate to a certain social space, attributed by certain
ideas, norms and standards model of the mechanism for the transfer of knowledge, skills
and abilities that increase the level of biosocial adaptability of the individual to the
conditions of a dynamically changing ecosystem and society.
In the thesis research the complex philosophical contemplation of the state of the
modern educational system, as well as the role of the philosophy of education in the
process of constructive and productive understanding of the directions and content of its
development, taking into account not only the factors of political, economic, cultural or
social content, but also the needs of the philosophy itself has been made. The problems
and trends illustrated in the thesis give grounds to conclude that the system of interacting
subjects - participants in the educational process is a complex, the constituent elements of
which are the person, society, state and system of educational institutions.
The conclusions obtained in the thesis have the nature of theoretical and
methodological foundations of specific research in the field of bio-philosophy,
philosophy of education, pedagogy, practical educational activity in the context of the
formation of civil society in Ukraine. This vector can be the prospect of further research
in the field of philosophy of education.