У дисертації проаналізовано життєвий шлях, педагогічну, наукову,
організаційну й громадсько-просвітницьку діяльність О. Мазуркевича,
визнаного вченого-педагога, літературознавця, критика, публіциста, дійсного
члена АПН СРСР і АПН України, члена Спілки письменників СРСР і Спілки
журналістів СРСР, організатора наукових досліджень, автора фундаментальних
монографій, а також підручників, хрестоматій, посібників, які заслуговують на
вивчення, творче узагальнення й адаптацію до сучасних умов у контексті
розвитку національної історії педагогіки та методики літератури.
Уперше на основі аналізу наукових джерел у контексті соціально-
політичних і культурно-освітніх детермінант здійснено періодизацію життєвого
шляху О. Мазуркевича, цілісно висвітлено процес становлення й розвитку
педагогічних та науково-методичних поглядів ученого, всебічно розглянуто
динаміку їх змін на різних етапах творчого шляху, визначено напрями
діяльності, актуалізовано його прогресивні історико-педагогічні й теоретико-
методичні здобутки, аргументовано їх значущість для розвитку історії
педагогіки та методики літератури. З’ясовано, що в працях О. Мазуркевича періоду реформування
національної школи на початку 90-х рр. ХХ ст. і становлення незалежної
України закладено концептуальні засади розвитку освіти України, зокрема
літературної освіти школярів. Доведено важливість урахування надбань ученого
в реформуванні освіти України.
В диссертации проанализирован жизненный путь, педагогическая, научная
и общественно-просветительская деятельность А. Мазуркевича, известного
ученого-педагога, литературоведа, критика, публициста, действительного члена
АПН СССР и АПН Украины, члена Союза писателей СССР, члена Союза
журналистов СССР, организатора научных исследований, автора
фундаментальных по своему содержанию монографий, учебников, хрестоматий,
пособий, которые заслуживают изучения, творческого обобщения и адаптации к
современным условиям в контексте развития национальной истории педагогики
и методики литературы.
Впервые на основе анализа научных источников в контексте социально-
политических и культурно-просветительских детерминант осуществлена
периодизация жизненного пути А. Мазуркевича, целостно осещен процесс
становления и развития педагогических и научно-методических взглядов
ученого, показана динамика их изменений на разных этапах жизнедеятельности,
определены направления творческой деятельности, актуализированы его
прогрессивные историко-педагогические и теоретико-методические достижения,
аргументована их значимость для развития истории педагогики и методики
Выяснено, что в трудах А. Мазуркевича периода реформирования
национальной школы в начале 90-х гг. ХХ ст. и становления независимой
Украины заложены концептуальные основы развития образования Украины, в
частности литературного образования школьников. Доказана необходимость
рассмотрения достижений ученого в процессе реформирования образования
In the dissertation the way of life, the pedagogical, scientific, organizational and
public-educational activities O. Mazurkevych of the acclaimed scientist-pedagogue,
literary critic, publicist, active member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of
the USSR and the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, a member of the
Union of Writers of the USSR, a member of the Union of Journalists, a brilliant
organizer of scientific researches, the author of the fundamental monographs, as well
as textbooks, chrestomathies, manuals that deserve to be studied, creative synthesis
and adaptation to modern conditions in the context of Ukrainian history of
Pedagogics and methods of literature development are investigated.
On the basis of scientific sources analysis in the context of socio-political,
cultural and educational determinants, a periodization of the life and creative career
of O. Mazurkevych was proposed.
It’s the first time ever, the process of the forming and development of
pedagogical and scientific-methodical views of O. Mazurkevych is comprehensively
covered, the dynamics of their changes is thoroughly considered depending on the
socio-political and socio-cultural conditions at different stages of the scientist's life
and creative career, his progressive theoretical and methodological achievements,
their significance for the development of the history of pedagogy and methodology of
literature has been substantiated, the importance of taking into account the
achievements of the scientist in the process of reforming the educational system of
Ukraine has been emphasized.
It was ascertained that O. Mazurkevych made a significant contribution to the
development of the Ukrainian history of pedagogy and the history of Ukrainian
literature methodology of the second half of the XXth century; in his creative
achievements an organic combination of aesthetic principles and pedagogical ideas
was established and the main tendencies of school literary education development in
the mentioned period were established.
It was specified that in the 60's of the XXth century progressive pedagogical
ideas of the scholar were important for the development of the history of pedagogy
and subject didactics, the characteristic features of which were the understanding of
literature methodology as a science, the strengthening of scientific knowledge in
studying of literature, studying of literature in the literary aspect, the analysis of
literary text in the unity of content and form, increasing of attention to the expressive
reading, assertion of the principles of literature’s educational significance, increasing
of attention to the development of creative activity of students.
The generalization of scientist’s achievements in the pre-reform period of of
pedagogical thought development (1970-1984) made it possible to determine the
peculiarities of his vision of the ways for developing school education, manifested in
the proclamation of the idea of educational process humanization, active participation in the improvement of school curricula and textbooks on Ukrainian literature on a
scientific basis, substantiation of the world-view character of teaching literature in
school, increasing attention to the development of student's creative independent
work, actualization of students’ aesthetic education problem by means of literature.
It was found out that in O. Mazurkevych’s works of the period of reforming the
national school in the early 90's and the formation of an independent Ukraine laid the
conceptual foundations for the development of educational system of Ukraine, in
particular of literary education of schoolchildren. It was emphasized that the methodical
views of O. Mazurkevych were improved and became the basis for implementation of
didactic aims of the educative and educational paradigm of that time.
The activity of O. Mazurkevych as a historian of pedagogy was shown, he
substantiated the necessity of critical analysis of scientists’ works, advanced
representatives of culture and art, teachers in the context of specific historical
conditions, in which their views developed, for the proper definition of the role and
place of their pedagogical heritage in the development of pedagogical science.
The analysis of O. Mazurkevych’s scientific heritage gives the right to claim that
he did not overlook the problems of studying the advanced pedagogical experience of
the teachers-innovators of the Soviet era. However, the scientist warned against the
blind inheriting of experience, affirming that any technique requires its creative use.
The pedagogical and methodological developments of O. Mazurkevych found
consistently amplification in contemporary school literary education, in particular, in
structuring the content of program material; the necessity to take into account the
psychological and age characteristics of students in the educational process;
popularizing the ideas of developing education; forming the skills for independent
work; development of creative abilities of schoolchildren; actualization of the
principles of Ukrainian ethnopedagogy, ethnography and Ukrainian studies and the
development of pupils' value orientations.
O. Mazurkevych entered history as a philological scientist, methodologist,
researcher of the history of pedagogy and the development of domestic pedagogical
thought and popularizer of pedagogical ideas of famous luminaries of education and
culture and poorly researched pedagogical personalities.
It is proved that the pedagogical concept of O. Mazurkevych is highly humane and
democratic, and organically combines classical and popular pedagogy. The ideas of
O. Mazurkevych concerning the creation of a new content and methods of the school's
activity, the desire to bring it closer to life are relevant for the present-day national school.
The studying of O. Mazurkevych’s scientific heritage and creative
comprehension of his pedagogical and scientific and methodological ideas will allow
revealing the history of the native school deeper and it will ensure the development of
pedagogical and methodological sciences not separately, but in the general context of
pedagogical thought development.