Досліджується феномен дозованого забезпечення населення
хлібопродуктами в Україні в 1930–х роках. З’ясовуються соціальна ефективність, політично–економічна мотивація та реальні причини нормативного харчування населення.
The phenomenon of rationed supply of bread to the Ukrainian population in the 1930s was studied. Social effectiveness, political and economic motivation, and real reasons for rationed supply of food to the public were ascertained. The food distribution system was intended for provisioning of workers in key manufacturing industries, but turned out to be a miserable form of food rationing for hired workers deprived of other means of existence. The imposed norms of per capita allotment of bread based on one’s labor input, qualification and industry–wise grading were constantly revised and decreased, while the level of provisioning left much to be desired, because the ration card system could not cope with the Holodomor. In the conditions when workers didn’t have enough bread, let alone fats, vegetables, fruits, dairy products and fish, export of these commodities looked cynical and impertinent. As a result of the communist experiment, Ukraine which was called ‘the breadbasket of Europe’ was forced to
introduce rationed provisioning of industrial and administrative workers and their families, which was not what the country’s economic potential could offer.
Исследуется феномен дозированного обеспечения населения
хлебопродуктами в Украине в 1930–х годах. Выясняются социальная эффективность, политически–экономическая мотивация и реальные причины нормативного питания населения.