Досліджено деякі питання, які пов’язані з проблемою побудови багаторічної спортивної підготовки важкоатлетів. Визначено структуру навчально-тренувального процесу спортсменів у важкій атлетиці. Виявлено особливості побудови багаторічного процесу тренування важкоатлетів.
Purpose:To determine the structure and features of the construction of the training process of athletes in weightlifting.Material: The research involved 20 trainers, 10 of them work in children's and youth sports schools, 5 in the schools of the Olympic reserve and 5 trainers in different years worked with the national teams of Ukraine.Results: The structure of the training process of athletes in weightlifting has been determined. Peculiarities of constructing a multi-year weightlifting training process has been revealed.Conclusions: The structure of the training process of athletes in weightlifting involves seven stages of multi-year training. In weightlifting, each of these seven stages lasts for several years. Between the stages of multi-year training there are lack of limits, their duration may be varied, primarily due to the individual capabilities of athletes. Multi-year training in weightlifting is a multilevel process. There are three levels of sports training: children's and youth sports schools; Olympic Reserve School; schools of higher sporting skills.