У дисертації здійснено аналіз проблеми корекційного спрямування
музичної діяльності дошкільників зі зниженим зором на теоретичному та
практичному рівнях. Визначено її методологічні основи, змістовий діапазон і
структуру забезпечення корекційного спрямування у напрямі розвитку
компонентів музично-особистісного розвитку. Розроблено комплексну
методику вивчення рівнів і особливостей музично-особистісного розвитку дітей
зі зниженим зором дошкільного віку. Розроблено й науково обґрунтовано
корекційне спрямування системи музичного виховання дошкільників зі
зниженим зором. Для посилення корекційної ефективності експериментальної
системи підготовлено й апробовано програмно-методичний комплекс
корекційного блоку занять із музичного виховання. Доведено, що шляхами
посилення корекційної ефективності музичної діяльності дошкільників зі
зниженим зором є теоретико-методичне та кадрове забезпечення цього процесу.
В диссертации осуществлен анализ проблемы коррекционной
направленности музыкальной деятельности дошкольников со сниженным
зрением на теоретическом и практическом уровнях. Определены ее
методологические основы, содержательный диапазон и структура обеспечения
коррекционной направленности в развитии компонентов музыкально-
личностного развития. Разработана комплексная методика изучения уровней и особенностей музыкально-личностного развития детей со сниженным зрением
дошкольного возраста. Разработана и научно обоснована коррекционно
направленная система музыкального воспитания дошкольников со сниженным
зрением. Для усиления коррекционной эффективности экспериментальной
системы подготовлено и апробировано программно-методический комплекс
коррекционного блока занятий по музыкальному воспитанию. Доказано, что
путями усиления коррекционной эффективности музыкальной деятельности
дошкольников со сниженным зрением является теоретико-методическое и
кадровое обеспечение этого процесса.
In the thesis the problem of correctional direction of musical activity of
preschool children with reduced vision at theoretical and practical levels is analyzed,
the directions of the music use – psycho-physiological, psychotherapeutic,
psychological and socio-pedagogical – are generalized. The experience of using
music therapy in work with children with disorders of psychophysical development is
analyzed. The methodological bases, content and structure of correctional direction of
musical activity in the development of needs-motivational, emotional-value,
cognitive, psychomotor and creative components of the musical-personal
development are determined. Taking into account the structure, comprehensive
methodology of studying the levels and features of musical-personal development of
children aged 3 to 6 years with visual impairments, that includes five directions:
musical-motivational, musical-emotional, musical-cognitive, musical-praxeological,
musical-creative, has been developed.
The obtained results of the ascertaining diagnostics became the basis for the
identification of four levels of children, objects of correction and positive trends in
the musical-personal development of preschool children of the younger, middle and
older age. Based on the generalized data of the empirical research, the model of
provision of the correctional direction of the system of musical education has been
developed and scientifically substantiated and its structural blocks have been
described. The conceptual block includes theories and regulations that have become
the methodological basis for building a correctional process of musical education of
preschool children with reduced vision. The organizational-diagnostic block is
presented by the basic principles, conditions, specificity, requirements for conducting
diagnostics of musical-personal development on the basis of the developed and approved diagnostic methodology. The content-procedural block is ensured by the
principles of organization of the correctional process of musical education, the
specificity of the use of methods, techniques and means of musical-personal
development, special forms of organizing musical education, corrective-
compensatory focus of musical activity, the content of corrective-developing work on
musical-personal development and program-methodological support of corrective
classes in musical education. The result-evaluation block of the system is aimed at
conducting diagnostic procedures for determining the effectiveness of the
experimental system of musical education.
The study presents the content of the corrective-developing work on musical-
personal development of preschool children with reduced vision, which is carried out
in four stages: the first stage – propaedeutic – is aimed at preparing a child with
reduced vision for musical perception in the family circle; the second stage –
preparatory – for the development of children’s interest in music, various types of
musical activity, it is carried out by educators and specialists of the institution on the
daily regime of preschoolers; the third stage – the main (corrective) – for the
development and correction of disturbed components of musical-personal
development in basic, complementary and special forms of musical education; the
fourth stage – representation – presents the results of the correctional-developing
work carried out at the previous stages of experimental work in forms, independent
musical activity, etc. In order to improve correctional efficiency of the system of
musical education of preschool children with reduced vision, the program-
methodological complex of the correction block of musical education classes, which
includes programs in rhythmic, musical logorhythmic, horizontal rhythmic plastics
and music therapy, has been prepared and tested.
Theoretically substantiated and experimentally verified musical education
system of correctional direction for preschool children with reduced vision has been
laid in the basis for the developed program and teaching materials for students, which
has improved the level of their awareness of the corrective possibilities of musical
art, musical activity. It has been proved that the ways of strengthening the
correctional effectiveness of musical education of preschool children with reduced
vision are theoretical-methodological provisions and staffing of this process.