У статті розглядається ментально-художній зміст лінгвістичних одиниць сучасної поетичної терміносистеми, що широко використовуються у лінгвостилістичному, літературознавчому, лінгвокультурологічному аналізах української культури як з погляду ідейно-тематичного змісту, так і з позицій естетичного бачення мовних форм та впливу їх на учнів, студентів, слухачів, читачів.
The article deals with the mental and artistic content of the linguistic units of modern poetry terminological system that are widely used in linguostylistics, the study of literature, linguistics and cultural analysis of Ukrainian culture from the point of view of ideological and thematic content and from the standpoint of the aesthetic vision of language forms and their impact on pupils, students, listeners, readers.
The aim of the article is to give a brief description of the basic concepts of traditional poetics inherited Ukrainian linguistic culture and prevalent in modern linguoculturology.
The topicality of setting linguistic and cultural topic of research increases urgent need for higher and secondary education to shape the national Ukrainian-language identity of high ethical and artistic and aesthetic standards of the World, European and Ukrainian native culture, literature and language. The Category of «personality» is a major in linguoculturology, because it is its creator, media and distributors.
Personality is characterized by its values, mentality, cognition, social experience, behavioral activity, culture of its own speech. Therefore, a linguoculturology work closely with linguodidactics.
Poetics is one of the oldest terms of rhetoric, linguistics, literature, in other types of culture. It is based on the Greek word poietike is making skills (from poieō is doing the work, to create). Poetics is and should be the basis of every creative activity, for it is most appropriate and best (the most vividly) embodiment of perfect rational, real, substantive thoughts, ideas, concepts, concept, concept image process. To this end, the authors have resorted to creating artistic images and the means and forms of expression.
In poetics in the sphere of Philology sciencewe can faced with words art rhythmically organized artistic speech, mostly poetry, poetics it fully implemented. It should also consider the fact that in the early stages of the literature of appeal followed, mostly poetical and recitative broadcasting (live epics, sermons, ancient drama, medieval heroic songs, legends, epics). This partly contributed to the later epic poetiсs (prose) literature from distinct logical (rational) structure content.
Poeticsis the word turn (trope), phrases, text precedent special aesthetic content that gives the reader the impression of charm, attractiveness, is the state of spiritual exaltation, special experiences, deep penetration into the content of the text. Ukrainian language (literary, popular colloquial and dialect manifestations) at all levels of its structure (phonic, phonemic, morphemic, derivational, morphological, lexical and semantic, lexical, morphological, lexical, syntactic, lexical and phraseology, lexical and stylistic, teksts creature, communicative language) speaker provides inexhaustible possibilities copyright use of language to create text linguo-cultural values. Poetics of language and the science of it called linguopoetics.
The Subject of linguopoetics are those linguistic units, their characteristics, functions (verbal and text) that the power of intention and the author's talent as a result of creative activity are converted into figurative art means text. This is the first such model of an audio stream that provide artistic connotations of poetic text. Versification (Eng. from the Latin versification. Versificatio is a versus verse and facio - do) is the art of poetry by the rules, elaborated on phono rhythmic laws of the language in practical creative work of authors - mostly entrenched predecessors and song and poetic experience. Instrumentation (Eng. Instrumentation from French. Instrumentation verbae) is the means of selecting and combining sounds, can give the text a certain sound system with the desired emotional and expressive coloring, alliteration, assonance prosody (onomatopoeia).
In early Ukrainian culture poetics came from Europe with Christianity and rhetoric, though Ukrainian mythological rhetoric emerging in first principles ethnicity for centuries. For the parish, monastery, communal schools and then to colleges, universities, academies, courses were prepared and used poetics («piyityky» translitiration), homiletics (Christian poetics) Old Church Slavonic, in Old portrait, Greek, Latin. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Kyiv Mohylyanska College were many works on poetics and rhetoric, written in Latin by Kyiv authors: Feofan Prokopovych «De arte poetica» («On the poetic art»); Mytrofan Dovhalevskyi «Hortus poeticus» ( «Poetry Garden») and others.
The basic concept in linguopoetics is the notion of poetic language. It covered: a) poetical language (the language of poetry, poetic prose in opposition to its language) and b) all language fiction as a major representants aesthetic features of the national literary language and linguistic expression of other types of national culture.
The main feature of poetic language is its aesthetic function, which comprehensively and systematically engaged in language and means of expression at all levels of language text, creating artistic effects, high style, different from everyday and everyday communication. Such features and artistic intent of the author is subject poetical form the text, sound instrumentation, high-poetic vocabulary (sky, star, moon, periwinkle, falcon, eagle, towel, destiny, heart), which in addition to the fact that, according to I. Franko, «by itself» is poetic creates genre and stylistic diversity. It semanterized by other lexemes reinterpreted words, concepts emerge and are fixed by their new association acquired connotations, syntactic structure is updated, new phrases are formed semantic structure, image-concepts.
A striking way of the poetic language is poetic vocabulary – poetyzmy (tr.). Its main part consists of words from additional emotional and expressive stylistic flavor and traditional images of ancient and world poetry of color, ethnographisms, staroslovyanizmy (tr.), folkloryzmy (tr.), archaisms linguo culture rheme as carriers of universal national-cultural component, neologisms, occasional. They are designed to transmit a sense of passion, enthusiasm, lyricism, celebration, beauty, rainbow haze, horizon, sycamore, poplar, garden, joy, blue, blond hut, a young girl, brave Cossack (Prometheus, Hercules) and others.