Дисертація присвячена визначенню ролі і значення педагогічної ергономіки вищої
школи як галузі педагогічної науки. Доведено, що педагогічна ергономіка – це галузь
сучасної педагогіки, котра займається комплексним вивченням і проектуванням діяльності викладача та студента в системі “викладач – студент – навчальне середовище” з
метою забезпечення її ефективності. Розроблена і науково обгрунтована концепція ергономізації навчального процесу, яка є складовою в організації та управлінні навчальним процесом вузу. В основу організації та управління навчальним процесом вузу закладено теоретичну модель ергономізації процесу навчання. Експериментально доведено ефективність запропонованої моделі. Основні результати впроваджені в практику
діяльності вищих навчальних закладів.
Диссертация посвящена определению роли и значения педагогической эргономики
высшей школы как отрасли педагогической науки. Педагогическая эргономика – это
отрасль в современной педагогике, которая занимается комплексным изучением и проектированием деятельности преподавателя и студента в системе “преподаватель – студент – учебная среда” с целью обеспечения ее эффективности. Разработана и научно
обоснована концепция эргономизации учебного процесса, которая является составной
частью организации и управления учебным процессом в вузе. В основу организации и
управления учебным процессом вуза заложена теоретическая модель эргономизации
процесса обучения. Экспериментально проверена эффективность предложенной модели. Основные результаты внедрены в практику деятельности высших учебных заведений.
The present dissertation investigates the place and significance of pedagogical ergonomics as a branch of pedagogic science. It’s the first time that the subject matter, objectives and
main issues of pedagogical ergonomics as well as methods of ergonomic research have been
It follows from the undertaken investigation that pedagogical ergonomics is a branch of
pedagogics which is concerned with studying and creating conditions for effective teaching
within the interactive frame “teacher – student – teaching environment”, the teacher and student being its active tools and teaching environment having an integral function.
Indissoluble synthesis of human factor and agents of teaching environment is one of the
most important attributes of pedagogical ergonomics and determines its substance as a branch of pedagogics.
Pedagogical ergonomics seeks to increase the effectiveness of teaching, ensuring physical fitness and a strong sense of moral values for all the participants of teaching process.
The status of pedagogical ergonomics is determined by the fact that it mainly deals with
the place, inner links and interaction of the elements in the functional frame “teacher – student – teaching environment”. The effectiveness of the frame is understood as its ability to
attain the assigned goal under specified conditions.
The results of the research demonstrate that the substance of pedagogical ergonomics
lies in the formation and operation of its frames. Owing to this fact, a comlex and systematic
approach is a methodological bases for ergonomical research. The specific methodology of
this complex ergonomical study makes a wide use of a variety of methods: phychological,
social, mathematical, statistical, ergonomical, etc.
Ergonomical analyses of teaching process at higher school reveals that in general it is
characterized by a low level of ergonomization, which has been verified in the course of the
certifying experiment.
The findings presented in this theoretical research enable to interpret ergonomization as
an integral element of teaching process at higher school. Its ergonomic conception has been
elabotated and scientifically grounded. In line with the conception, both didactic and ergonomic matters, contribute to the effectiveness of teaching.
A theoretical model of ergonomization is laid as a foundation for organization and administration of teaching process at higher school. The model assumes the study and projection of teaching process, students and teacher’s activity, teaching environment in the view of
ergonomical principles, criteria, recommendations.
The research has proved that one of the key factors for reaching stable and dynamic
functioning of ergonomic frames is the concept of reliability, applied to audio-visual aids in
complience with ergonomic criteria. The system of reliability criteria related to audio-visual
aids has been worked out. It is likely to find its practical application.
Fundamentals of pedagogigal ergonomics are seen as a complex of the latest pedagogical
achievements concerning to teaching process, teachers and students’ activity, teaching environment, audio-visual aids and innovations. According to the research any element of teaching process acquires its content and assessment if presented in the frame “teacher – student –
teaching environment”. Ergonomization provides the participants of teaching process with
such conditions which are up to human phychophysiological abilities and comply with ergonomic requirements regarding mental activity.
The present state of higher education offers ample scope for activization of ergonomical
research. Effectiveness of teaching grows considerably, provided that it’s organized and administrated on the principles of ergonomics. The research proves that didactic objectives can
be succefully attained by means of long-term and expedient ergonomical approach.
The dissertation views the main task of pedagogical ergonomics in providing pedagogi-
cal science with wide-range opportunities, aimed at the study of teaching process, perfection
of teachers and students’ activity, teaching environment, improvement of organization and
administration of teaching process.