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Ukrainian State University

Українська поезія Румунії другої половини ХХ ст. (тематично-жанрові та стильові особливості)

ISSN: 2310-8290

Show simple item record Василик, Любов Євгенівна 2017-09-12T13:46:56Z 2017-09-12T13:46:56Z 2001
dc.identifier.citation Василик Л. Є. Українська поезія Румунії другої половини ХХ ст. (тематично-жанрові та стильові особливості) : автореф. дис. ... канд. філол. наук : 10.01.01 / Любов Євгенівна Василик ; наук. кер. Б. І. Бунчук ; Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова. - Київ, 2001. - 14 с. ua
dc.description.abstract Дисертація присвячена системному аналізу української поезії Румунії другої половини ХХ ст. Досліджено генезу мистецького явища, визначено основні періоди його розвитку, запропоновано цілісний канон української поезії Румунії. Розглянуто ідейно-тематичні, жанрові та стильові координати досліджуваного мистецького явища, проведено типологічні паралелі з румунолітературним художнім контекстом та материковою українською літературою. Здійснений аналіз дає змогу ввести українську поезії Румунії в загальноукраїнський літературний процес як її органічну і невід'ємну складову, що збагачує наше уявлення про українську літературу ХХ ст. ua
dc.description.abstract Диссертация посвящена системному анализу украинской поэзии Румынии второй половины ХХ в. Исследуется генезис явления искусства, определяются основные периоды его развития, предлагается целостный канон украинской поэзии Румынии. Рассмотрены идейно-тематические, жанровые и стилевые координаты исследуемого художественного явления, проведены типологические параллели с румынолитературным художественным контекстом и отечественной украинской литературой. Осуществленный анализ позволяет ввести украинскую поэзию Румынии в общеукраинский литературный процесс как ее органическую и неотъемлемую часть, обогащающую наше представление об украинской литературе ХХ в. ua
dc.description.abstract The thesis is dedicated to the complex analysis of Ukrainian poetry of Romania of the second half of the XX c. The Public – historical circumstances of the literary process, its genesis has been analysed. The main periods in the development of Ukrainian poetry were determined, and the integral writer's canon was offered. In this thesis the characteristic features of Ukrainian literary process of Romania were investigated, it also helps figure out and outline the thematic-jenre and stylistic peculiarities of creative activity of the authors. The author determines the role of issues, almanacs, collections in the literary life. The manifest of the level of national idea, mentality of Ukrainian poetry of Romania are also studied. In this research it is stressed that the source basis of the artistic phenomenon were the folklore writings of the Ukrainian minority in Romania continental writings, Romanian literature and the tendencies of European literature, which are interpreted through the Romanian-speaking literary context. The precondition of the literary activity was the appearance of folklore collections, foundation of Ukrainian newspapers ―Novyi vik and ―kulturnyi poradnyk, the opening of the faculty of slavistyka in Bukharest university, where a number of future Ukrainian writers received the education. The first editions of Ukrainian poetry in Romania were the collections by O.Melnychuk, G.Klempush, Y.Pavlish and also the almanachs ―Serpen and ―Lirychni struny. Having appeared in the 50-60. They reflected the general picture of sociorealistic reality in art, dependency of the author on the out-of-literal, that is, ideological factors. It is stressed that a real art renovation of the whole Ukrainian literary process of Romania was held in the 70 s. The foundation of the editorial house for the national minorities ―kryterion (where together with ofher sections the Ukrainian one began its activity) promoted and added to its development. Also Ukrainian artistic studio in the League of writers in Romania was organized, which was headed by the talented poet O.Masykevych. Here, for the first time Ukrainian literary critics was formed (M.Laslo-Kutsyuk, Mykhailyuk), a new generation authors (I.Kovach, M.Korsyuk, M.Nebylyak, L.Onurhyk) otared writing. Thus, during 50-70 years Ukrainian poetry in Romania was created as an artistic phenomenon. Also the creative activity of O.Masykevych as the representative of the second emigration wave in the Ukrainian literature) was studied in this research. His poetry is evaluated as a unique phenomenon which is high above the general artistic level of the period of the literary conception and formation. The author of this research studies the tendencies and phenomena in the today's Ukrainian literary process in Romania. The attention is drawn to the new editions (―Ukrainskyi visnyk, ―Curievul uevainian, ―Obrii, the artistic generation's change is being analysed, the debut of the last years is in the focus. The researcher indicates the extension of thematical, jenre and stylistic limits of Romania's Ukrainian poetry, studies some separate negative moments of the literary process, for instance the author's dependence on the totalitarian system. Some notice able literary phenomena are emphasized in the work. Several crisis phenomena in the modern Ukrainian poetry of Romania are also noticed. The author traces the break in the continuity of generation, the lack of young forces in the literature of this period. This is caused first of all by the policy of assimilation, lack of vivid ties with Ukraine, in access sibility of continental literary periodicals and stopping of edition of separate Ukrainian issues in Romania. The main art phenomena in the artistic process, their functions, esthetic significance in the literary life are investigated. The author analyses the peculiarities of the world of separate authors, determines their contribution info the poetry. The typological parallels are drawn with the artistic context of Romanian texts and with the continental writings; the principle tendencies in the modern literary life are defined (80-90 years XX c.). The investigation made here allows to include Ukrainian poetry of Romania into the generally Ukrainian literary process of XX c. As an organic inseparable part, it defines the place of this poetry in the Ukrainian literary life, analyses characteristic features of this literature on the background of continental writings. New pages of unknown Ukrainian literary activity beyond the boarders are shown; our literature becomes richer more diverse than before. ua
dc.language.iso uk ua
dc.publisher Друкарня видавництва "Рута" Чернівецького національного університету ua
dc.subject художній процес ua
dc.subject літературний період ua
dc.subject поезія ua
dc.subject контекст ua
dc.subject творчість ua
dc.subject стиль ua
dc.subject тенденції ua
dc.subject національна ідея ua
dc.subject художественный процесс ua
dc.subject литературный период ua
dc.subject поэзия ua
dc.subject контекст ua
dc.subject творчество ua
dc.subject стиль ua
dc.subject тенденции ua
dc.subject национальная идея ua
dc.subject artistic process ua
dc.subject literary period ua
dc.subject context ua
dc.subject poetry ua
dc.subject creative activity ua
dc.subject style ua
dc.subject tendency ua
dc.subject national idea ua
dc.subject.classification 883.09.-1 ua
dc.title Українська поезія Румунії другої половини ХХ ст. (тематично-жанрові та стильові особливості) ua
dc.type Other ua

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