Метою даної статі є розкрити сучасні погляди на проблему психологічної залежності наркоманів. Враховуючи індивідуальну для кожної залежної особистості модель світу, що пояснює природу її психологічної залежності, представляється можливим вдосконалення психотерапевтичних та психокорекційних заходів в умовах реабілітаційного процесу, що, поза сумнівом, сприятиме підвищенню його ефективності.
In the article the problem of psychological dependence of addicts. The purpose
of this article is to reveal contemporary views on the problem of psychological
dependence of addicts. Psychological dependence in the literature as mental desire for
the drug and ability to achieve mental comfort in intoxication. That attraction is not
always recognised and occurs in the early stages of anesthesia and remains for life.
Subjectively, the need for a change in state of consciousness may be due to
development needs, in the acquisition of a new psychological, or even spiritual
development. Dependent behavior is typical for those who does not find within itself
a worthy goal, and constantly feels the source of inner discomfort. Psychological
dependence applies to all types of drugs.
Psychological dependence on drugs in the initial phase, supported by passion
and does not cause physical suffering in the absence of the drug. But over time, she
begins to act in such a way that only the introduction of a certain dose of a narcotic
substance provides a comfortable condition, and his lack of "breaks" not only the
body but also the mind. Dependent behavior is typical for those who does not find
within itself a worthy goal, and constantly feels the source of inner discomfort. Moreover, painful experiences is enhanced during the stress of critical situations.
Considering the individual for each dependent of the individual world model that
explains the nature of her psychological dependence, possible improving the
psychological and psychocorrective measures in the rehabilitation process, which
undoubtedly will increase its effectiveness.