Працю присвячено комплексному дослідженню префіксального
термінотворення дієслів у «Російсько-українському словнику» (1924 –1933 рр.) у
зіставленні з іншими перекладними словниками кін. ХІХ – поч. ХХІ ст.
Указано місце дієслівних термінів у реєстрі загальномовних і
термінологічних словників, обґрунтовано класифікацію дієслівних термінів на
власне-терміни й консубстанційні терміни, для кожної групи одиниць описано
типи префіксального видотворення й словотворення.
На матеріалі «Російсько-українського словника» (1924-1933 рр.) та інших
словників кін. ХІХ – поч. ХХІ ст. схарактеризовано кількісні і якісні властивості
префіксальних типів видотворення й словотворення, пояснено причини зміни
їхньої продуктивності, а також надано рекомендації щодо доцільності вживання
окремих префіксів під час творення новітніх термінів.
Работа посвящена комплексному исследованию префиксального
терминообразования глаголов в «Русско-украинском словаре» (1924 –1933 гг.) в
сопоставлении с другими переводными словарями кон. ХІХ – нач. ХХІ ст.
Описывается место глагольных терминов в реестре общеязыковых и
терминологических словарей, обосновывается классификация глагольных
терминов на собственно термины и консубстанциональные термины, для каждой
группы единиц описываются типы префиксального видообразования и
На материале «Русско-украинского словаря» (1924 – 1933 гг.) и других
словарей кон. ХІХ – нач. ХХІ ст. характеризуются количественные и
качественные свойства префиксальных типов видообразования и
словообразования, объясняются причины изменений их продуктивности, а также подаются рекомендации, касающиеся целесообразности употребления отдельных
префиксов для образования новейших терминов.
This research is devoted to investigation of prefixal term formation of verbs in
“Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary” (1924 – 1933) and the others dictionaries of the 19th –
21st centuries.
The changes in aspect formation and word formation of the verbal terms during
the end of the 19th – beginning of the 21st centuries were analyzed for the first time.
Linguistic and extralinguistic factors influencing the development of word formation
system of Ukrainian were taken into account in the research and given recommendations
about the word formation of the latest verbal terms.
Verbs were identified as an important component of the term system that have
semantic and word formation properties. They are dynamic elements, which follows
from their nature to name the action or process. Using verb it is possible to describe such
features of an action as running in time, completion/ incompletion, directing the action
on the object. Meanwhile the noun indicates a static character of the term and constancy
of its nature. Therein lies a difference between the terms expressed by verbs and nouns,
and therefore their functions in a scientific text should not be fully identified.
It was found that the number of verbal terms in the term systems is different. The
chemical, typographic, legal terminologies are in “Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary”
(1924 – 1933) most widely represented. There are less religious, medical, math,
technical, construction, maritime terms.
Verbal terms are classified under proper terms and consubstantial terms according
to the field of their using. Proper terms have a narrow scope of application and were
created only for terminological needs. Consubstantial terms are the words that
simultaneously are used in a common-literary language and a terminology. They are
formed by the common words terminologization or determinologization. The
corresponding terms have differences at the word-formation level. The most proper
terms have a foreign origin and are hardly represented in the term formation. The prefix
has only grammatical (aspectual) meaning in the foreign verbs and is used for describing
finished action. Native words dominate among the consubstantial terms and are widely
used for the word formation. It was noticed that the same prefixes are used for the aspect formation and word formation of proper terms and consubstantial terms, but their
productivity is different.
Productivity of the word and aspect formation types of proper terms and
consubstantial terms were described at the synchronic and diachronic level. Word
formation type is a formal-semantic scheme for making of derivative words, motivated
by the forming words of a certain part of speech, using the same word-formative formant
with the same meaning. The most productive derivational units are prefixes по-, на-, за-
for verb terms formation, and morphemes, в-, про-, роз-, о- are used seldom. The most
common prefixes for aspect formation are з-, за-, по-. Uncommon prefixes are про-,
Most part of prefixal types of the terms formation has not changed during the end
of the 19th – beginning of the 21st centuries, but productivity of some types of word
formation with prefix від- and o- were increased unjustifiably by influence of language
policy of the Soviet Union. The productivity of terms with prefix від-, which mean
“creation of something” and “giving certain properties to a surface as a result of the
careful performance of the action”, has increased after the 30s. These words are used to
translate Russian verbs with prefix от-. The verbs with prefix ви- dominated for the
translation of such Russian units in dictionaries of the 20s of the 20th century. The using
of prefix o-, which is an analog of Russian prefix o-, is unjustified in terms that mean “to
cover the whole surface with something” and “to change the properties of the whole
surface”. It replaced prefix об-, which is more common in this function. In modern
dictionaries the prefix o- is used for aspect formation in word with semantic “to acquire
certain properties as a result of a self-active process” as in Russian language, but
prefixes з- and за- are more common in dictionaries of the 20s of the 20th century.