В статті розглянуто поняття «професійна деформація особистості», «професійна компетентність спеціаліста», «професійна культура». Проблема професійної деформації розглянута в психологічному аспекті, досліджено шляхи та умови подолання професійної деформації особистості спеціаліста соціономічної сфери.
В статье рассмотрены понятия «профессиональная деформация личности»,
«профессиональная компетентность специалиста», «профессиональная культура». Проблема
профессиональной деформации рассмотрена в психологическом аспекте , исследованы пути и
условия преодоления профессиональной деформации личности специалиста социономической
Inna V. Tоmarjevska. candidate of psychological sciences, associate Professor of the chair of
practical psychology of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, (Kyiv). The article deals with
the concept of "professional deformation of the individual", "professional competence specialist",
"professional culture". Sotsionomichni profession provide permanent employment to people and direct
communication in the profession. It is not surprising that the members of these professions are put
forward higher requirements , because the work is the object of other people. The problem of professional
deformation considered in psychological terms, conditions and research by addressing occupational
strain sotsionomichnoyi individual specialist areas. The urgency of the problem, the lack of theoretical
study and practical development and led to the need to identify ways to overcome professional
deformation professionals sotsionomichnoyi area. In this regard, the aim of this paper is a theoretical
and methodological analysis of the problem in terms of personal development training sotsionomichnoho
profile. Therefore, require special attention and special features of the process of development of
personality in the conditions of professional. There is a need to raise awareness and proper specialists to
deal with the problem of forming ability of professional deformation manifestations of personality and
skills warnings professional destruction, determining the conditions addressing occupational strain.