У статті досліджується категорія педагогічної праксеології у системі професійної мистецької освіти, як загальна методологія, що відображає сутність праксеологічного підходу та логіку праксеологічної парадигми в процесі підготовки майбутнього вчителя музики з позицій оптимізації діяльності суб’єктів освітнього процесу та загальної стратегії розгляду успішної діяльності на засадах результативності та ефективності.
В статье исследуется категория педагогической праксиологии в системе профессионального художественного образования, как общая методология, которая отражает суть праксиологического подхода и логику праксиологической парадигмы в процессе подготовки будущего учителя музыки с позиций оптимизации деятельности субъектов образовательного процесса и общей стратегии успешной деятельности на основе результативности и эффективности.
The paper analyzes the pedagogical praxeology inside the educational system of training professionals of arts in terms of generic methodology assessing conditions, categories and rules applicable to the phenomenon of work; scientific approach to the analysis and resolution of problems of the professional activities as well as patterns of these activities; interdisciplinary formation as a combination of theoretical and practical experiences in the professional activity; results of a scientific reflection on the causes, the conditions and the mechanisms of professional success.
The substance of a praxeological approach to the professional training consists in searching, selecting and implementing various tools into the educational practice, in terms of "rationality", "efficiency", "adaptability", "aestheticism", "valeology".
The concepts of 'effectiveness' and 'successfulness', as well as those of 'resultfulness' and 'efficiency', are complementary to each other and identical to a certain extent. Therefore, we consider the main praxeological characteristics to be those of 'quality', 'resultfulness' and 'efficiency'.
We propose a change in the educational method of training a music teacher, which involves a transformation of the educational process in one praxeologically oriented. Its substance and content can be formulated in the following terms.Firstly – we propose to reconsider the goals of the musical and pedagogical education of a music teacher (to get moved from a mechanistic obtaining of knowledge and skills to mastering the praxeological basis of musical and educational activity with a focus on quality, efficiency and resultfulness).
Secondly – we redefine the role and the place of a praxeological training in the context of musical and pedagogical education. Mastering musical and pedagogical disciplines ceases to be the central educational task, as long as the subject of learning becomes a tool of implementation of the educational objectives.
The third essential point of the modern musical and pedagogical training is the research of praxeologically oriented technologies, methods, forms and means of training a music teacher.