The article is devoted to preparation of professional preparation of future Choreography teachers’ to work in special, secondary and out-of-school educational establishments in conditions of university. The author develops a highbrow exchange of ideas creativity teaching Choreography teachers’ in the way of developing their own interpretations of existing dances for ballets, musicals, and other forms of entertainments. At rehearsals, choreographers instruct and lead dancers to achieve their vision. The author stresses that as a Choreography major, prepares not only to develop physical skills, but also to explore the history, theory, and science of art. Future Choreographers must possess self-discipline, persistence, determination, and a commitment to dance to have success because of most intense practice schedules; have to be good problem solvers and work well with others; must have good stamina and health, flexibility, quickness, coordination, grace, a sense of rhythm, a feeling for music, and an artistic ability to convey through dance. Choreographers’ training for creating original dances and developing new interpretations of existing dances is presented.
У статі наведено результати дослідно-експериментальної роботи, спрямованої на визначення сучасного стану розвитку творчого потенціалу студентів, майбутніх хореографів, у процесі професійної підготовки, проведено дослідження наукових праць присвячених означеній проблемі, розглянуто шляхи формування та розвитку даного феномену в умовах вищих навчальних закладах культури і мистецтв.