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Ukrainian State University

Readiness of Mentally Retarded Pupils-Teenagers to the Reader's Activity Mastering

ISSN: 2310-8290

Show simple item record Kravets, Nina Pavlivna Кравец, Нина 2015-11-10T09:45:57Z 2015-11-10T09:45:57Z 2015
dc.identifier.citation Kravets N.P. Readiness of Mentally Retarded Pupils-Teenagers to the Reader's Activity Mastering / N.P. Kravets // Intellectual Archive. – 2015. – Volume 4. – Num. 4 (July). Series "Education & Pedagogy". – Toronto : ShinyWordCorp. – PP. 123–136. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract У статті розглянуто питання готовності розумово відсталих підлітків до оволодіння читацькою діяльністю та проаналізовано причини, що негативно впливають на цей процес. Визначено рівні готовності учнів до опанування читацькою діяльністю. Доведено роль педагогів і батьків у формуванні дітей як активних читачів. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract This article guides the reader to understand the perspectives towards students with mental retardation in the way of teaching reading, discusses the definition in literature for children with disabilities. The article is given the readiness of mentally retarded students to master the reader's activity; kinds of literature to correction mentally retarded teenagers and with physical disorders are reduced. The author analysis of students’reader’s tastes: their attitude to the kinds of literature, the literature works of different genres. She points out that using literature for children has many benefits for teaching friendship skills to children with learning disabilities. As a tool for teaching, stories provide easy and creative introductions to a topic. Many children's books are available on the topic of friends, socializing, conversation, and playing together teaching reading. Through the use of children's literature, children with learning disabilities can be taught valuable skills that will enable them to make and maintain friendships. The author finds out causes which influence on the willingness of mentally retarded teenagers on their reader's activity. The levels of readiness of students to master the reader's activity are given. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk uk_UA
dc.publisher Toronto : Shiny Word Corp. (Canada) uk_UA
dc.subject розумово відсталі учні uk_UA
dc.subject підлітки uk_UA
dc.subject читацька діяльність uk_UA
dc.subject художня і науково-пізнавальна література, навичка читання uk_UA
dc.subject pupils with Intellectual Developmental Disorders uk_UA
dc.subject Mental Retardation uk_UA
dc.subject teenagers uk_UA
dc.subject reader’s activity uk_UA
dc.subject fiction literature uk_UA
dc.subject popular-science literature uk_UA
dc.subject reading skills uk_UA
dc.subject.classification 376-056.36.016:82 uk_UA
dc.title Readiness of Mentally Retarded Pupils-Teenagers to the Reader's Activity Mastering uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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