У даній статті обговорюються стан здоров’я студентської молоді, які навчаються за фахом «Фармація, промислова фармація» Волинського медичного університету. Мета статті полягає у визначенні стану здоров’я здобувачів вищої освіти медичного фаху. Результати аналізу медичних карток студентів дозволяють констатувати наявність проблем у стані їхнього здоров’я. Кожен здобувач вищої освіти протягом навчального року, в середньому, 2– 3 рази хворів і пропустив 10–15 днів навчання в інституті (залежно від віку і статі). У зв’язку з погіршенням стану здоров’я студентів необхідне впровадження в навчальний процес спеціальних, оздоровчих занять, які дозволили б надати індивідуальну допомогу здобувачам з профілактики захворювань і збереження здоров’я.
This article discusses the state of health of young students studying Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy at the Volyn Medical University. The purpose of the article is to determine the state of health of students of higher education in the medical profession. The results of the analysis of students' medical records allow us to state the presence of problems in their state of health. Each student of higher education during the academic year, on average, was ill 2–3 times and missed 10–15 days of study at the institute (depending on age and gender). Most often, students are sick with viral respiratory diseases (43-51 cases per 100 examined), diseases of the digestive organs (10-18 cases), vision (3-15 cases) and excretory system (5-12 cases), injuries (10-20 cases ) and infectious diseases (7– 14 cases). One of the integral criteria of adaptation is the assessment of the state of health on the basis of morbidity indicators, the level of which allows to most objectively reflect the degree of health loss, as well as to determine the priorities of prevention. Given the fact that the environmental factor has priority in the development of diseases in young people (up to 30%), the dominance of the specified pathologies may indicate the formation of an environmental maladaptation syndrome. Along with that, today the range of factors of the internal student environment has significantly expanded, which determine up to 12.5% of cases of illness in junior courses. According to the results of our research, the largest group in the structure of students' diseases is acute respiratory viral diseases. Influenza among students of higher education, of various ages, is registered in one-third to one-half of cases. In connection with the deterioration of students' health, it is necessary to introduce special, health-improving classes into the educational process, which would allow providing individual assistance to students in the prevention of diseases and health preservation.