В статті проаналізовано варіанти тривалості мезоциклів безпосередньої передзмагальної підготовки
легкоатлетів. Успіх в змаганнях забезпечується тривалою підготовкою, однак принципове значення має безпосередньо
передзмагальна підготовка (БПП), за допомогою якої легкоатлети повинні привести себе в стан високої або найвищої
працездатності. Встановлено, що помилки в побудові етапу БПП часто служать причиною не тільки невдалого виступу
в головному змаганні, але й уповільненого зростання досягнень і навіть погіршення їх. Всю підготовку спортсмена
можна вважати вдалою, якщо він при значному приросту досягнень у вирішальному змаганні року показує найкраще
Success in competition is ensured by long-term preparation, but direct pre-competition training (DPT) is of fundamental
importance, with the help of which athletes must bring themselves to a state of high or the highest working capacity.
Modern views on the essence and construction of preliminary training stage most intensively began to be formed since the
1960s. The reason for this was the appearance of such fundamental projects, such as "Periodization of sports training" by L.P.
Matveva, "The current system of sports training" by N.G. Ozolina, "The coach of athletics trainer" ed. L.S. Khomenkovoi.
The success in competitions is provided by long-term training, but fundamental importance has a direct pre-competition training (DPT), by which athletes should lead themselves to a state of high or the highest efficiency. If the goal of competition is only of training or control nature and athlete is not eager to achieve a high result, then DPT is not necessary before the starts. Such a combination of the process of training and participation in competitions may occur in the first competitions at the beginning of the competitive period. However, when there is a participating in high-level competitions or even more in the culminating competitions, in such an event, DPT is essential.
Mistakes in the building of the phase of the DPT are often the reason not only for an unsuccessful speech in the main competition, but it is also the reason for a slowed down growth of achievements and even deterioration of them. All training of an athlete can be considered successful if he shows the best result in the crucial competition with a significant progress in his accomplishments.