Короткий опис(реферат):
The analysis of scientific approaches to understanding the psychological characteris-
tics of the role of the management team is important in the context of ensuring the
organizational development of educational institutions. The purpose of the study is to
explore the basic approaches and views of modern researchers on defining team roles,
to identify the main functional and role positions in the management team.
Determining the types of leadership roles of educational institutions based on empiri-
cal research data. Also based on the method of case studies problem-situational analy-
sis − solving leadership problems by educational managers − were analyzed the effec-
tiveness of role-playing positions in management teams. Conclusions were made about
the need for some correction of understanding and assessment of the importance of
all roles in the staff of heads of educational institutions. Each of these command roles
related to specific personality traits identified by the tests.
An analysis of the orientation of education leaders towards team roles shows that they
tend to focus on all team roles. However, one can say that some roles are more at-
tractive to researchers, while others are less attractive. The government can use the
research findings to create and implement training programs for educational leaders.