У статті обґрунтовано фізичну терапію немовлят з вродженою кривошеєю. Кривошия це порушення м’язів у шийному відділі у новонароджених та дітей грудного віку. Причинами кривошиї є вроджений порок розвитку м'яких тканин або аномалії розвитку шийного відділу хребта.
В статье обоснована физическую терапию младенцев с врожденной кривошеей. Кривошея это нарушение мышц в шейном отделе у новорожденных и детей грудного возраста. Причинами кривошеи является врожденный порок развития мягких тканей или аномалии развития шейного отдела позвоночника.
The article substantiates the physical therapy of infants with congenital torticollis. Tortoises is a violation of the cervical muscle in newborns and infants. The causes of the curvature are congenital malformations of the soft tissues or abnormalities in the development of the cervical spine. The goals of therapeutic exercise for congenital muscle curvature are: improving the trophic-clavicular and trapezius and trapezius and subcutaneous muscles of the neck; normalization of neck muscle tone by reducing the tone and contracture of the affected and improving the tone of the healthy muscle; restoration of reduced volume of movements in the cervical spine; prevention of secondary changes of the facial skull and cervical spine due to the progress of the curvature; prevention of retardation in the psychomotor development of the child; general strengthening of the child's body. Physiotherapy treatment is performed to improve blood supply to the affected muscle, resorption of scar tissue. From the moment of detection of a tortoise appoint thermal procedures: paraffin applications, solyuks. Massage performs the function of preparation for conducting physical training and aims at improving blood circulation and relaxation of the injured, as well as improving the tone of a healthy muscle or muscle group and is an integral part in the rehabilitation of premature infants.
The objectives of therapeutic physical training in congenital muscle curvature are: improving the trophic of the affected and healthy; balancing muscle tone by eliminating the muscle contracture of the affected muscle and strengthening the muscle on the healthy side; normalization of the volume of movements in the cervical spine; prevention of secondary changes (asymmetry of face, neck, curvature of the spine); prevention or elimination of lag in psychomotor development; increase nonspecific resistance of the body.