В статті розроблена програма фізичної реабілітації людей після оперативного лікування геморагічного інсульту з використанням технічних засобів. Показано вплив засобів фізичної реабілітації на пацієнтів після оперативного лікування геморагічного інсульту. Встановлено, що запропонована програма фізичної реабілітації сприяла покращенню загального стану пацієнтів основної групи.
В статье разработана программа физической реабилитации людей после оперативного лечения геморрагического инсульта с использованием технических средств. Показано влияние средств физической реабилитации на пациента после оперативного лечения геморрагического инсульта. Установлено, что предложенная программа физической реабилитации способствовала улучшению общего состояния пациентов основной группе.
In the article the program of physical rehabilitation of people is worked out after operative treatment of hemorragic stroke with the use of technical equipments. Nervous diseases occupy the first place among reasons of disability. Stake of them in general morbidity and invalidation grows constantly, that it is caused by a global height vascular changes of brain and by the increase of stake of persons of senior age in the structure of population. The problem of hemorragic stroke has important medicine – wistheral value because of considerable proportion in the structure of morbidity and death rate of population, high indexes of temporal and proof loss of ability to work. For realization of successful rehabilitation events began as possible before, stage, succession and continuity of realization of curative events was observed, used complexity, taking into account the personality features of every patient in every case. On the first stage of rehabilitation the individual motive program was used; on the second are the group engaging in a curative gymnastics; on the third - there was mastering of skills of hygiene, self-service, work therapy, psychotherapy, speech therapy, was included. It is set that an offer program of physical rehabilitation assisted the improvement of the general state of patients to the basic group. Analysis of results after a test "Estimation of movement of Rivermid" allowed to establish circumstance that a total ball after this test made 10,21+0,06 balls(±m) in a basic group, that statistically meaningful(р < 0,01), differs from indexes in a control group are 8,52±0,23 balls.