В статье выявлена динамика рейтинга выступления сильнейших команд пловцов по результатам получения призовых наград среди мужчин и женщин, участников финальных заплывов на I-X Спартакиадах народов СССР, прошедших с 1956 по 1991 гг.
У статті визначені динаміка рейтингу виступу найсильніших команд плавців за результатами отримання призових нагород серед чоловіків і жінок, учасників фінальних запливів на I-X Спартакіадах народів СРСР з 1956 до 1991 роки.
The article identified the dynamics of the results of the top swimmers performances were based on a prize-winning among male and female, the members of the final cliff of I-X Spartakiad of the peoples of the USSR since 1956 to 1991 years. The Leaders (top 10 teams) of the Union vessels were: Moscow-170 medals, Russia-152, Ukraine-159, Leningrad-129, Belarus-26, Georgia-20, Uzbekistan-20, Estonia-14, Kazakhstan-13, Lithuania-12 medals. In the second ten of the less successful teams were entered: GDR-8 medals, Moldova-7, Latvia-7, Australia-6, Czechoslovakia-5, Romania-4, Azerbaijan-2, Puerto-Rico-1, Norway-1, Japan-1 and Hungary-1 and Sweden-1 medals respectively. Among the male group were swimmers: Moscow-99 medals, Russia-85, Ukraine-78, Leningrad-67, Georgia-12, Belarus-10, Uzbekistan-8, Kazakhstan-7, Lithuania-6, Moldova-5 medals, while among women leaders of the Union vessels were representatives of: RSFSR-74, USSR-74, Moscow-71, Leningrad-62, BSSR-16, Uzbekistan-12, Estonia-10, Georgia-8, Lithuania-7, Kazakhstan-6 medals respectively. The smallest results of seats, and therefore, the highest general rating from I to X Spartakiad of the peoples of the USSR, officially had the following Soviet republics and cities: 1-Moscow, 2-USSR, 3-RSFSR, 4-Leningrad, 5-BSSR, 6-Georgia, 7-Uzbekistan, 8-Kazakhstan, 9-Lithuania, 10-Estonia, 11-Latvia, 12-Moldova, 13-Azerbaijan, 14-Armenia, 15-Turkmenistan, 16-Kyrgyzstan, 17-Tajikistan. Owe received information, was based on a quantitative characteristics of the prize awards are almost similar with the official information on the results of swimming at the Spartakiad of the peoples of the USSR in 1956 to 1991 years.