In the article the methods of power qualities of the students in the process of physical education by means of exercises with weights is disclosed. Systematic training with weights is one of the effective means of students physical education, health promotion, the development of physical skills, the increasing of physical performance, the formation of moral and volitional preparation for future professional activities. Due to its wide variety weight lifting exercises contribute to the great educational, health and practical value, are included in the programs of various sporting events. Because of regular exercises with weights the amount of heart muscle gradually increases, the network of blood vessels that feeds it increases too; the blood changes occur (the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin increase); chest circumference increases as well as vital capacity; the activity of the central nervous system improves, mental capacity; intensity and focus increase. Methods of power quality development in the students by means of weight lifting provides: the development of motivational-value attitude of students towards means of physical education; the creation of appropriate conditions and necessary material and technical equipments of classes; the gradual formation of individual general physical training level of students; the simplicity of suggested exercises and the use of mainly repeated methods of implementation; the use of different weights for efficient physical activity measures; the controlled increase of physical activity opportunities according to individual students skills; the conducting of multistage competitions to increase motivation and the involvement of students in weight lifting classes etc. It is proved that the methods of power quality development by means of weight lifting is aimed to solve a wide range of tasks that may face the experts while teaching beginners as well as students that obtained weight lifting technique.
В статті розкрито методику розвитку силових якостей у студентів у процесі фізичного виховання засобами використання вправ з гирями. Встановлено, що систематичні заняття з гирями є одним із доступних засобів фізичного виховання студентської молоді, поліпшення здоров’я, розвитку фізичних якостей, підготовки до майбутньої професійної діяльності. Доведено, що методика розвитку силових якостей засобами гирьового спорту направлена на вирішення широкого спектру завдань, які можуть виникнути у фахівців під час навчання як початківців, так і студентів, що володіють технікою гирьового спорту.