Розглядаються можливості використання теорій інтенсивного навчання у професійній підготовці майбутніх фахівців з фізичного виховання та спорту: теорії поетапного формування розумових дій, асоціативно-рефлекторної теорії навчання, теорії змістовного узагальнення, біхевіористської теорії навчання (привчання), гештальт-теорії засвоєння та сугестопедії.
The article deals with the theories of intensive training for the future specialists in physical education and sports: the theory of the stage formation of mental actions associated with the reflexive learning theory, theory of the meaningful generalizations, behaviorism learning theory (teach), Gestalt-theory of learning and suggestopedia. The object of this article is to elucidate the theoretical foundations of the intensive training theories to be applied in the training of the future specialists in the physical training education and sports. According to the theory of the stage formation of mental actions formation of mental actions there are the following stages: the first one is the motivation of the student; the second stage is the summarizing of the so-called pattern “the basis of estimated action”; the third one is the performance of the real actions; the fourth stage is the spelling of the description of completed actions; the fifth one is the "silently spelling"; the sixth one is the stage of extended speech abstracts of the mental actions formation (internalization). The theories of the basic generalization are used for organization the intensive training of future specialists. These theories characterize not only the content of subjects, but also the qualities which will be formed during the learning of these subjects in the training of the specialists in physical education and sports. It is concluded that the projection of the education of future specialists in physical education and sports is a complex, independent phenomenon, it is impossible without recourse to technical and humanitarian bases, traditions and achievements of domestic and foreign pedagogics, determining the prospects for the further research. It is necessary to distinguish the stages of the project of the interactive learning technology, identify the patterns and mechanisms of the designing process.