Illnesses of breathing organs stay most widespread in Ukraine and all over the world. Absolute prevalence and relative meaningfulness of bronchial asthma increase among other nosology. Today bronchial asthma is the global problem of contemporaneity in connection with her wide distribution and making progress increase of frequency and flowing weight among the adults and children. Among children, bronchial asthma patients, boys twice as much as girls, but in adolescence this difference disappears. Prevalence of bronchial asthma in Ukraine hesitates from 2,9 to 3,2 cases on 1000 children from data of the last years; thus, 30,0% children have a heavy flow of disease. One of major facilities in the system of holiatry of bronchial asthma is a curative physical culture, which improves regulative properties, activates activity of hemadens and stimulates vegetative functions and metabolism after the mechanism of motility-visceral reflexes. Bronchial asthma is a chronic recrudescent disease, an increase reactivity of bronchial tree of immunological and un immunological genesis, the basic clinical display of it is an attack of difficulty in breathing or asthmatic state, lies in basis of that. It is marked in the article, that physical rehabilitation of children 7-8, with bronchial asthma patients, in the adolescence of rehabilitation focused on the support remission of illness; renewal and improvement of function of the external breathing and cardiovascular system, psychological status of patients. For this purpose the complex of remedial events is used, that includes application of the curative physical education, the massage, the physiotherapy, the dancing therapy.
У статті зазначено, що фізична реабілітація дітей 7-8 років, хворих на бронхіальну астму, у післялікарняному періоді реабілітації спрямована на підтримку ремісії хвороби; відновлення і поліпшення функції зовнішнього дихання і серцево-судинної системи, психологічного статусу хворих. З цією метою використовується комплекс лікувально-відновлювальних заходів, що включає застосування лікувальної фізкультури, масажу, фізіотерапії, танцювальну терапію.