Проведено аналіз офіційних документів, статистичних даних, документальних та науково-педагогічних джерел та окреслено основні шляхи покращення здоров’я школярів через реалізацію потенціалу вчителя фізичної культури. Проаналізовано питання впровадження інноваційних технологій навчання у підготовці вчителів фізичної культури до здійснення валеологічної освіти школярів.
Проведен анализ официальных документов, статистических данных, документальных и научно-педагогических источников и намечены основные пути улучшения здоровья школьников через реализацию потенциала учителя физической культуры. Проанализированы вопросы внедрения инновационных технологий обучения в подготовку учителей физической культуры для осуществления валеологического образования школьников.
The aim of our study was to outline the basic ways towards improving the health of schoolchildren through the use of opportunities a professional activity of teacher of physical education (PE), as well as to analyze changing approaches to the training of future PE teachers in high school. In the results of literature analysis, we found that: introduction of innovative learning technologies in training of future PE teachers will expand the range of their professional activities, namely to be involved in health education of schoolchildren as experts who have mastered the technique of life skills forming, which is the theoretical and methodological basis of health education; specially trained PE teachers involved in health education of schoolchildren will shift the focus from the development of pupils’ motor skills to development and building their healthcare attitude toward life; mastering the innovative technologies will provide students use in their professional activity set of knowledge, practical skills and the ability to activate their creative use as well, in addition to professional-oriented knowledge, provide skills to predict their own livelihoods; the use of innovations in teaching school subjects "Physical Education" and "Health Basics" by specially trained PE teachers will increase an interest in learning in schoolchildren, and therefore raise the rating of these disciplines in the scale of school curriculum; carried out lessons with the use of innovative learning technologies by specially trained PE teachers will not only assimilate the information by students, but also will improve all aspects of their health - both physical (increased physical activity and elimination of static tension when working in groups, participation in energizer and arbitrary move around the class) and psychosocial (the development of social, intellectual, emotional and volitional skills).