У даному дослідженні визначено методи навчання для покращення ефективності формування психолого-педагогічної компетентності майбутнього вчителя фізичної культури. Обґрунтовано суть та значення педагогічних ситуацій, проблемних занять, рольових ігор, сюжетно-рольових занять, тренінгів.
В данном исследовании определены методы обучения для повышения эффективности формирования психолого-педагогической компетентности будущего учителя физической культуры. Обоснованно суть и значение педагогических ситуаций, проблемных занятий, ролевых игр, сюжетно-ролевых занятий, тренингов.
In this research the teaching methods to improve the efficiency of formation of psycho-pedagogical competence of future teachers of physical culture. Grounded nature and importance of pedagogical situations, problem sessions, role playing games, role-play lessons and trainings. The defining principle of building systems teaching situations, problem sessions, creative tasks, role playing games, role-play lessons and training in the process of psycho-pedagogical competence of future teachers of physical culture characterized by a gradual and systematic increase in task complexity. Our research has shown that important in the process of psycho-pedagogical competence are the psychological, educational and problem-educational tasks. This ensures consistent training students to solve more complex educational problems and improve their preparedness for future careers teacher of physical culture. Using the proposed teaching methods will improve the efficiency of formation of psycho-pedagogical competence of future teachers of physical culture. Formation of psycho-pedagogical competence of future teachers of physical training is carried out not only on training in psychological and educational cycles of professional training, but also in all classes of professional training and subject training.