Розглянуто ступінь впливу розробленої програми навчання бальним танцям на показники фізичної і танцювальної підготовленості дітей 5-6 років. Подана методика заснована на навчанні бальним танцям за допомогою фізичних вправ, що схожі на танцювальні. В ході дослідження визначено, що дана методика значно вплинула на показники фізичної підготовленості дітей, а також на рівень музичності дітей, ритмічності, координації рухів, гнучкості, точності виконання рухів.
Рассмотрели степень влияния разработанной программы обучения детей бальным танцам на показатели физической и танцевальной подготовленности детей дошкольного возраста. Данная методика основана на обучении танцам с помощью физических упражнений, схожих по структуре на танцевальные. В ходе исследования доказано, что данная методика значительно повлияла на показатели физической подготовленности детей, а так же на уровень музыкальности детей, ритмичности, координации движений, гибкости и точности выполнения движений.
The work-studies the extent to which the ballroom dancing program developed can impact the indicators of physical and dancing readiness of 5-6 year-old children. The methodology proposed has been applied in teaching ballroom dances through physical exercises similar to dancing ones. The degree of physical development depends on inherited characteristics and even on the environment. Meanwhile, a number of researchers have noticed a tendency for an increase in the number of pre-school children who have health problems. Thus, currently in Ukraine only 10% of 3-7 year-old children are virtually healthy, 50% of pre-schoolers’ have morpho-functional deviations and health problems, and 40% of children have chronic diseases. This research is devoted to studying the effectiveness of applying the program developed for teaching ballroom dances to pre-school children with the purpose of improving their health indicators. The achievement of the goal set in the research presupposes the fulfillment of the following tasks: 1. To evaluate the indicators of physical and dancing readiness of children engaged in sport ballroom dancing. 2. To determine the effectiveness of applying the program developed for teaching sport ballroom dances to pre-school children with the purpose of improving their health indicators. In order to fulfill the tasks specified we have used such methods as: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological works; physical readiness testing: measuring speed abilities, defining coordinating abilities, estimating the degree of strength endurance, and assessing dorsal spine mobility. The pedagogical experiment was based on the principle of step-by-step introduction of the training material to the children of an experimental group. It has been empirically established that the developed methodology of teaching ballroom dances to pre-school children on the basis of exercises structurally similar to physical ones is efficient and so is its impact on the indicators of physical and dancing readiness. The prospects for further research are aimed at studying the ways of improving the level of primary schoolers’ physical development.