У статті розглянуті думки вчених та науковців на рахунок особливості проведення уроків з фізичної культури в учнів молодшої школи. Вивчено сучасні технології під час проведення уроків з фізичної культури.
The article deals with the opinions of scientists and scientists on the account of the peculiarities of conducting lessons on physical culture among junior schoolchildren. Modern technologies are studied during physical education lessons. The article examines the problems of searching for forms of increasing motor activity by introducing innovative means of physical culture in the process of physical education of children of primary school age, modern conditions for conducting a school lesson in physical culture. Approaches to the modernization of the physical education of children of primary school age are presented. The importance of motor games is studied, which by their positive emotional influence contribute to the preparation of junior schoolchildren for better performance of state tests with physical readiness. Preparation of students for life, work and creativity is laid in a general education school. To do this, the learning process and the organizational methodology of the lesson must be constructed in such a way as to engage students in their independent creative activity in order to acquire new knowledge and to successfully use them in practice. The classroom system involves various forms of organization of the educational process: home teaching work (self-training), excursions, practical classes and industrial practice, seminars, extracurricular training, optional classes, consultations, credits, exams. But the main form of organization of school education is a lesson. Pedagogical science and school practice direct their efforts to find ways to improve the lesson. The main place in this search is the teacher. The teacher, even with a capital letter, does not correct mankind. But, educating a person, he gives a chance to a student to happen as a person. For him, it is necessary to awaken creative tasks, laid in each person. It is presented approaches to modernization of process of physical training of children of younger school age. Value of impellent games which the positive emotional influence promote preparation of younger schoolboys for the best performance of the state tests from physical readiness is investigated.