У статті висвітлюється проблема належного і необхідного у виконанні професійного
обов’язку вчителя. Для успішної професійної педагогічної діяльності сучасний вчитель має
підтримувати належний рівень довіри і реагувати на зовнішні виклики. Готовність учителя до
оперативного реагування на виклики сучасності може здатний забезпечити професійно-
особистісний саморозвиток учителя. Висвітлюється необхідність професійно-особистісного
саморозвитку вчителя і доцільність його усвідомлення особистістю, яка має певну
відповідальність за наслідки професійної діяльності.
Значний вплив на професійний обов’язок справляє обов’язок суспільний, який є
уніфікованим і універсальним щодо будь-якої діяльності. Зміст професійного обов’язку не є
сталою величиною, він може постійно змінюватися. Причини цього явища криються у
вимогливості особи до самої себе, соціальному статусі, характері суспільних відносин.
The article covers the problem of proper and necessary teacher’s professional duties. For a
successful professional pedagogical activity, a modern teacher must maintain an appropriate level of
confidence and respond to external challenges. The readiness of the teacher to promptly respond to the
challenges of our time can be able to provide professional and personal self-development of the
teacher. Under the obligation understand certain necessary behavior of the subject of carriers of
systems of principles, a specific list of actions, orders, for failure to provide for liability. The teacher
performs his duties mainly under the influence of various factors - the state, the law, the labor
collective, the public, and also under the influence of their own internal beliefs. In this regard, one can
distinguish the following types of duties, which in a certain way relate to professional pedagogical
activities: national, social, state, social, moral, spiritual, professional, functional.
Thus, the national duty is understood as the need and readiness of the teacher to protect and
protect the principles of the existence of the Ukrainian nation in the process of professional
pedagogical activity. Social duty is the need and willingness of the teacher to defend public interests in
the name of the normal life of citizens. State duty is the need and readiness of teachers to protect and
protect the interests of the state in their professional pedagogical activity. Public duty involves certain
necessary actions committed by a teacher as a member of a relevant public organization. The moral
duty of the teacher involves the introduction into the practice of educational activities of certain moral
requirements. The spiritual duty of the teacher can be considered the need for continuous improvement
of professional training, the formation of established humanistic-value orientations, culture, which
contributes to the proper implementation of the tasks of professional pedagogical activity. The
professional duty of the teacher is his need and readiness to work in educational institutions (objective
aspect), a deep awareness of the need for professional action (the subjective aspect).
The first group holds the duties required by the state of the teacher. They are mandatory and are
guaranteed or provided by the state. For example, the fulfillment of national and social duties requires
a teacher to protect the nation and society, preserving the acquired cultural values of the people, the
national spirit of law, etc. However, the national duty may be subject to persecution by the state, for
example, during the reign of the totalitarian regime. There may be cases where the state is obliged to
act contrary to the interests of the people. Often on the activities of the teacher implies the imperative
of public duty.
The second group of teachers’ duties corresponds to the specifics of his professional activities.
On the basis of the third group of duties in the teacher formed person-emotional perception of
duty and awareness of responsibility.
The necessity of professional and personal self-development of a teacher and the expediency of
his perception of a person who has a certain responsibility for the consequences of professional activity
is highlighted.