У статті досліджуються художні особливості артбуку. Зокрема здійснена спроба розмежування понять «книга художника» та «артбук». Так, «книга художника» пов’язується із мистецтвознавчою сферою, оскільки є витвором мистецтва, де книга стає формою, а буква, слово, текст – вербально-пластичним знаком. Артбук розглядається із літературознавчих позицій як синкретичний жанр експериментальної прози, в якому збережена гармонійна взаємодія слова та візуального образу.
Introduction The total visualization of the everyday life of the human of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century is reflected in the artistic sphere, in particular in the art of word – literature. The verbal text is actively filled with visual images, intermediality, as an artistic synthesis in literature, acquires peculiar, hybrid forms. Given the fact that Ukrainian writers, trying to make printed products competitive in the information society, are turning to the synthesis of arts, examination of the artistic features of artbook is appropriate and relevant. Understanding the artistic specificity of artbook is connected with the artistic phenomenon of the «book of the artist» (artist’s book).The complexity of the delineation of definition lies in the fact that among other definitions of the «artist’s
book» there is also the «art book». The problem of determining the genre of artbook needs to be worked out in a literary perspective. Purpose The purpose of the article is to explore the specific features of artbook as an experimental phenomenon not only
in the modern artistic process, but also in literary. Methods. The study focuses on the scientific works dedicated to the study of the «artist’s book» / artbook; the problems of
intermediality and multimodality (A. Gibson, S. Matsenko, A. Pokulevskaya, I. Rajewski). The formation of an artistic product as a multi-coded system is considered in the aspect of semiotic research (U. Eko, Yu. Lotman). Results. It is necessary to distinguish the «artist’s book» related to the field of visual arts and books belonging to the space of literature. It seems appropriate to use the notion of «artbook» to such books that represent the syncretic literary genre, where there is an equal relationship between text and image. Originality. In the course of the study, an attempt to define the artbook as a literary genre is made. Thus, the artbook – is a literary and artistic work that preserves the form of a traditional book; represents a syncretic genre of experimental pros e,
in which the intermedial connection between verbal and visual components in the format of media combinations is actualized, and multimodality becomes a key feature that allows us to combine the specifics of the book for reading and "book for the eyes". Conclusion. Among the further perspectives of the study is an analysis of genre and stylistic peculiarities of Ukrainian artbooks – «Vilkhova krov» by M. Babak, «Underwor(l)d» by Yu. Izdryk, «Moroky» by O. Mykhed.