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Ukrainian State University

Міжкультурне виховання студентів вищих навчальних закладів засобами музики

ISSN: 2310-8290

Show simple item record Вей Чжеюань 2018-10-24T11:36:12Z 2018-10-24T11:36:12Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation Вей Чжеюань. Міжкультурне виховання студентів вищих навчальних закладів засобами музики : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.07 - теорія і методика виховання / Вей Чжеюань ; [наук. кер. Сисоєва Світлана Олександрівна] ; М-во освіти і науки України, Нац пед. ун-т ім. М. П. Драгоманова. - Київ, 2018. - 20 с. ua
dc.description.abstract У дисертації обґрунтовано технологію міжкультурного виховання студентів засобами музики у позааудиторній роботі вищого навчального закладу; структуру міжкультурної вихованості студентів (мотиваційний, емоційно-емпатійний, когнітивно-ідентифікаційний, культурологічно-комунікативний, рефлексивно- ціннісний компоненти), критерії, показники та рівні її сформованості; визначено зміст міжкультурного виховання студентів засобами музики (теоретичний та практичний блоки); уточнено теоретичний зміст складових міжкультурного виховання студентів (міжкультурної комунікації, міжкультурної толерантності та міжкультурної ідентичності); вдосконалено форми та методи виховної роботи зі студентською молоддю у позааудиторний час; виокремлено перспективні напрями використання технології міжкультурного виховання студентів засобами музики у позааудиторній роботі вищого навчального закладу у КНР; подальшого розвитку дістали наукові положення щодо впливу музики на виховання молоді. ua
dc.description.abstract В диссертации впервые обосновано технологию межкультурного воспитания студентов средствами музыки во внеаудиторной работе высшего учебного заведения; структуру межкультурной воспитанности студентов (мотивационный, эмоционально-эмпатийный, когнитивно-идентификационный, культурологические- коммуникативный, рефлексивно-ценностный компоненты), критерии, показатели и уровни ее сформированности; определено содержание межкультурного воспитания студентов средствами музыки во внеаудиторной работе (теоретический и практический блоки); уточнено теоретическое содержание составляющих межкультурного воспитания студентов (межкультурной коммуникации, межкультурной толерантности и межкультурной идентичности); усовершенствованы формы и методы воспитательной работы со студенческой молодежью во внеаудиторное время; выделены перспективные направления использования технологии межкультурного воспитания студентов средствами музыки во внеаудиторной работе высшего учебного заведения в КНР; дальнейшее развития получили научные положения о влиянии музыки на воспитание молодежи. ua
dc.description.abstract This dissertation research the issues of intercultural upbringing of students by means of music are exploring. In the first section the problem of education of students of higher educational institutions in the pedagogical theory has been analysed. The interconnection of intercultural education with other areas of education has been disclosed. The essence and content of the concept “intercultural upbringing of students” are revealed. It is noted that in Ukraine the terms "multicultural education" and "multicultural upbringing" are used more often than others. The author determines that the concept of "multicultural upbringing" is used in the European educational space as often as the term "intercultural upbringing". Intercultural upbringing is interpreted as a process of bringing up a tolerant, indulgent, and capable of successful communication and cooperation with person who are representatives of other cultures. On the basis of theoretical analysis of the essence and content of the term “intercultural education”, the major components of intercultural upbringing are outlined, including: intercultural communication, intercultural tolerance, and intercultural identity. The concept of “intercultural upbringing of students” is defined as the process of systematic educational influence on a person, aimed at developing the readiness of students to acceptance people with different cultural values and different religions, to interactions with people of different ethnic origin, tolerant attitude to them, ability to realize significance of his own culture, identity, based on the principles of freedom and responsibility, solidarity and understanding, tolerance and democracy. In this dissertation, musical art is presented as a means of educational influence on the comprehensive development of an individual, as a factor of moral aesthetic and ethical experiences. The functions of the influence of music on the spiritual world of the personality are defined: cognitive, social, educational, suggestive, compensatory, heuristic, communicative, socializing, cathartic, and entertaining functions. It is proved that music is an effective means of intercultural upbringing of students. The current state of intercultural upbringing of students of higher educational institutions has been studied. It is found out that the means of music in this process are little used. Students want to know more about different countries and their culture; they are interested in creativity and are convinced that music can promote intercultural education. In the second section the essence and structure of intercultural manner of a student and criteria of its maturity are determined (motivational, emotional-empathic, cognitive- identifying, cultural-communicative, reflective and value-based). Each criterion is specified in indicators that have three levels of manifestation: high, medium and low. The technology of intercultural upbringing of the students by means of music in the out-of-class work of higher educational institutions is substantiated. It’s realized in three stages: preparatory stage (outlining the purpose of the technological process, planning the implementation of the technology and making forecasts on the results of the implementation of the developed content, forms and methods); main stage (the implementation of the technology of intercultural upbringing through the system of content, forms and methods in the out-of-class work), and stage of results (the results of implementation of the developed technology are analysed and corrections to the content- procedural part of the technology are made). The content of intercultural education of students included two units: a theoretical unit (students studied the essence and specificity of ethnic features of musical culture of different countries, musical styles, works of composers of each country) and a practical unit (students developed the skills of intercultural communication, tolerant attitude to the culture of other countries). Implementation of the intercultural upbringing content of the students by means of music in the out-of-class work was carried out through the introduction of traditional (musical lecture course, musical quizzes, musical evenings) and innovative (creative projects – meetings with musicians from different countries, contest of folk music performers, ethnical and psychological training, contest of culturally educational and musical presentations, discussion, Internet communication on musical-information and music-pedagogical sites) forms of upbringing. The following methods of upbringing work were used: traditional (method of example, assignment, creation of a situation of success, instruction, illustration, demonstration, game, emotional action, encouragement) and innovative (motivational-dialogic method, intercultural tolerant communication, value- based and ethno-identification method, design-creative method). The results of the experimental implementation of the technology of intercultural upbringing of students are presented. Promising trends of using the technology of intercultural upbringing of the students by means of music in the out-of-class work of higher educational institutions in China are determined. ua
dc.description.abstract higher education institution, students, upbringing, intercultural upbringing of the students, forms of upbringing, methods of upbringing, means of upbringing, musical means, technology of intercultural education. ua
dc.language.iso uk ua
dc.publisher Видавництво НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова ua
dc.subject вищий навчальний заклад ua
dc.subject студенти ua
dc.subject міжкультурне виховання студентів ua
dc.subject форми виховання ua
dc.subject методи виховання ua
dc.subject засоби виховання ua
dc.subject засоби музики ua
dc.subject технологія міжкультурного виховання ua
dc.subject высшее учебное заведение ua
dc.subject студенты ua
dc.subject воспитание ua
dc.subject межкультурное воспитание студентов ua
dc.subject формы воспитания ua
dc.subject методы воспитания ua
dc.subject средства воспитания ua
dc.subject средства музыки ua
dc.subject технология межкультурного воспитания ua
dc.subject higher education institution ua
dc.subject students ua
dc.subject upbringing ua
dc.subject intercultural upbringing of the students ua
dc.subject forms of upbringing ua
dc.subject methods of upbringing ua
dc.subject means of upbringing ua
dc.subject musical means ua
dc.subject technology of intercultural education ua
dc.subject.classification [378.016:78] : 303.4(043.3) ua
dc.title Міжкультурне виховання студентів вищих навчальних закладів засобами музики ua
dc.type Other ua

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