Исследования рассматривают проблемы физических упражнений, как основное средство физического
воспитания. Проанализирована научно – методическая литература.
Дослідження розглядають проблеми фізичних вправ, як основний засіб фізичного виховання. Проаналізовано
науково - методична література.
The means at physical education are the integrity of things, forms and kinds of activities which people use at influence on
their physical nature with the aim of it’s improvement.
At present there are a whole set of means at a practice of physical education; this set contains such kinds: physical
exercises; using healthy forces of nature – hardening, water procedures, air baths, rational application of solar radiation etcetera;
using hygienic factors – a regime of labour, rest, nutrition; observance rules of personal and public hygiene etcetera; special made
sport equipment technical means and training means; various means – doing tasks on mental playback of movements connected
with perceptions; methods of psychological mood to doing or such which promote faster and more qualitative renewal after their
doing etcetera.
Тhe main attention is paid to considering physical exercises as the most specific means of physical education. At the same
time we should remember that all means of physical culture must be used as a whole. Only their whole using can provide all – round
influence on an organism and successful solving all tasks of physical education.