У статті представлено зміст програмного забезпечення навчальної дисципліни з фізичного виховання, напрями
діяльності та структура процесу фізичного виховання студентів вищих навчальних закладів. Проаналізована робоча
навчальна програма з фізичного виховання для студентів І курсу вищих медичних навчальних закладів та надано
методичні рекомендації по її удосконаленню.
The article presents the content of the software of the discipline of physical education, directions of
activity and structure of the process of physical education of students of higher educational establishments. The work educational
curriculum for physical education for the first year students of higher medical educational institutions was analyzed and methodological
recommendations for its improvement were given. The content of the software should take into account the biological, pedagogical and
psychological patterns of management of the physical condition of the body of a young person in the process of physical education, taking into account age, sexual characteristics and selected future professional activities. Inadequacy of these requirements in the
programs hinders the implementation of the pedagogical process and as a result does not lead to the tasks of physical education:
increasing the level of physical fitness and physical fitness of students, physical and mental performance, health promotion, reducing the
level of diseases. Strengthening the health of young people depends on many factors, but the decisive among them is the attitude of the
individual to his own health. The growing value of man as a person, the expansion of his outlook, self-realization in society is possible
only in the process of spiritual and physical self-improvement. Physical education in the system of higher education is realized: through
the interconnection of education and training; through education as a process of forming motivation, as well as own experience; through
learning as a process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities in the development of motor activity and the development of physical
qualities. The process of physical education training in higher education institutions should be designed in such a way as to ensure that
the tasks related to the improvement of students' health, improvement of their physical condition, increase of mental and physical
capacity, but also the creation of a professional-applied effect in the formation of the originality of thinking, the ability to rational
organization of his own time, internal discipline, objective assessment of the situation and decision making, perseverance in achieving
the goals tasks and goals, ability to calmly react to failures and even defeat. It is on this new type of socialized person that the system of
physical education should be orientated.