У статті обґрунтовано структуру та зміст програми професійно-прикладної фізичної підготовки студентів-
аграріїв з військово-спортивного багатоборства. Критеріями ефективності програми професійно-прикладної фізичної
підготовки студентів-аграріїв з військово-спортивного багатоборства є визначення: показників фізичного здоров’я та
фізичної підготовленості, рівня рухової активності, мотивації студентів до занять фізичною культурою та військово-
спортивним багатоборством умінь студентів самостійно займатися цим видом спорту.
The article substantiates the structure and content of the program of professional and
applied physical training of students of agrarian institutions on military-all-round. The program consists of the following kinds of
training: theoretical, technical and tactical, general physical and psychological.
Pedagogical conditions of implementation of the program: сreation of effective conditions at higher educational
establishments for sectional military-sports all-round exercises, formation of a positive attitude of students to independent classes in
military-sports all-round, development of moral and volitional qualities and professionally important psychophysiological qualities.
The main attention was paid to the improvement of physical, special, mental qualities (general, strength and fast endurance,
speed in actions and motor reactions, agility, accuracy of actions and motor coordination, stability of attention and the ability to its
wide distribution and switching, general psychological and emotional and volitional stability, courage, determination and selfconfidence,
perseverance, perseverance and dedication) and military-applied motor skills.
Theoretical training was conducted in the form of problem lectures for 10–15 minutes before the beginning of the section
session once a week. At the same time, on each subsequent lecture the control of knowledge acquired by students was carried out
and their correction was carried out if necessary.
The technical training provided for the training of the technique of action by means of sports training. In the process of
technical training, students mastered the technique of military-sports all-round, mastered the relevant motor skills and skills, bringing
them to a possible high degree of excellence.
The tasks of general physical training in the author's program are: development of all the basic physical qualities – strength,
endurance, flexibility, speed and agility. Psychological training. Since shooting refers to a one-time acyclic exercise, during its
implementation success is ensured by the resilience of the posture of the body and psychological resistance. The stability of the post
is required to avoid fluctuations in the body when aiming.
The criteria of the efficiency of the program of professional and applied physical training of students of agrarian institutions on military-all-round comprise the determination of: indicators of physical health and physical fitness, level of motor activity, students’
motivation for physical education and military-all-round as well as their ability to indulge in military-all-round independently.