В статті представлено аналіз і узагальнення науково-методичної і спеціальної літератури, результати
дослідження спеціалістів в області соціології, валеології. Метою явилось виявлення здоров’я, культури здоров’я,
культури здорового способу життя студентів і їх формування на основі системи ціннісних орієнтацій. Встановлені
складові елементів культури здорового способу життя студентів.
It is noted that the content of the culture of health
includes three components: intellectual - knowledge in the field of valeology, organization of a healthy lifestyle, preservation and
strengthening of health; emotionally valuable – active, positive attitude to their health, to the organization of a healthy lifestyle;
practical and practical - the use of valeological knowledge, skills and abilities in the practice of organizing a healthy lifestyle.
The main components of the culture of healthy lifestyle students include: the mode of work and rest, the organization of
sleep, diet, the organization of motor activity, the implementation of sanitary requirements, hygiene and tempering, the prevention of
harmful habits, the culture of interpersonal communication, psychophysical regulation of the organism, the culture of sexual behavior
and meaningful leisure.
The structure of life is manifested in the part of the budget of the person's time spent on them, in what types of life he
spends his free time, which species prefers in situations where a choice is possible. The student deliberately plans to spend time,
thus, the way of life can not be imposed from the outside, having a certain autonomy and value, each person forms his own way of
acting and thinking. The culture of a healthy lifestyle student is characterized by an orientation that objectively expresses in what
values they are produced, what social needs they are satisfied, what it gives to the development of the person itself. It is important
not only how the student lives, but also those for which he lives, what he is proud of and against which he is struggling.
The health culture depends largely on the value orientations of the person himself, outlook, social experience. Social norms, values of a healthy way of life are taken in adolescence as personal, meaningful, but not always coincide with the values
produced by social consciousness.
Thus, in the process of accumulation of personality social experience disharmony of cognitive, social-psychological and
functional processes is possible. Such a disharmony can become the cause of the formation of antisocial qualities of the individual.
Therefore, it is necessary to ensure a conscious choice of the personality of the public values of the culture of health, healthy lifestyle
and to form a stable, individual system of value orientations that can provide self-regulation of the personality, motivation for its
behavior and activities.