У науковій статті розкриваються особливості проведення практичних занять з фізичного виховання у спеціальних
медичних групах. Увагу приділено методикам, що спрямовані на поліпшення стану здоров’я осіб та повному одужанню.
This scientific article reveals particularities of conducting workshops on physical education in the special medical groups. Attention has been paid to the methods which tend to the persons' health improvement and their full recovery.
The problem of poor health of young people in Ukraine are generally one of the most pressing social program society. This is
due to the fact that Ukraine environmental condition deteriorated and this resulted in a significant decrease in immunity society. This is
especially reflected in young people, there are various diseases that may eventually go and chronic pathological condition. Therapeutic
physical culture is essentially a method of treatment, but as the process is organized and conducted as a pedagogical measure - in the
form of classes
Тeachers qualified specialists - rehabilitators have to use in the classroom physical education in special medical groups
different systems and systems of knowledge, skills, abilities, skills and special individual psychological approaches and methods to
improve the state of health and their pets.
An important task is to develop new methods and organization of physical education classes in schools of physical
rehabilitation sections that facilitate convalescence (recovery), health promotion to improve efficiency and improve the well-being of
student youth.
The proposed methods of rehabilitation professionals and their professionalism in conducting practical classes on physical
education in special medical groups promotes full recovery. But all classes have performed regularly at the outdoors, if weather
conditions permit, consistent with a gradual increase in physical activity (permitting samochuttya person and does not deny physician),
then we can increase the number of different physical exercises increase the classroom and complicate the technology of their
performance in favor of health. To improve the cardiovascular system, metabolism.