У науковій статті розкриваються роль рухової активності в формуванні здорового способу життя студентської
молоді. Увагу приділено для визначені оптимального рівня рухової активності студента для формування здорового способу
The attention paid to the optimal
level of motor activity student. The analysis compared the coverage of organized physical activity worldwide shows that Ukrainian
(youth) several times inferior to this index leading countries.
This is due to the fact that Ukraine environmental condition deteriorated and this resulted in a significant decrease in
immunity society.
This is especially reflected in young people, there are various diseases that may eventually go and chronic pathological
It also causes deterioration in the health of students are high mental stress, intensification of existing educational process
and its orientation based on the preference of static loads, which promotes artificial reduction in motor activity of students.
Many students suffer from physical inactivity, which is the result of decreased performance, overall reactivity and increasing
Students with chronic diseases such as osteochondrosis, scoliosis, flat feet, various diseases of visual organs, nervous and
mental disorders and allergies.
Important social problem is the optimal level of motor activity of the student. The minimum limit should characterize the level
of movement which is necessary for the preservation of normal functional condition of the body. This is the driving mode hygienic nature.
For a healthy lifestyle Students must carry out full physical activity of young people through activities that were not only a
total net hours, and were within their free time and would be conducted under the guidance of a teacher, as an extra.
Organization of physical education classes should be implemented in a way that takes into account the desire of young
people to engage in some form of physical activity.
When selecting the type of exercise or has no desire to engage in them must direct motor activity, primarily in health
promotion, disease prevention, improve the exterior appearance of the student.
Thus found that students are largely engaged in exercise, but a definite trend
in the growth of attention and interest in physical education classes and youth would increase training hours on the subject of
physical education.