Фізичний розвиток підлітків (у даній статті розглядаються студенти першого курсу вищих навчальних закладів) в нашій країні ще не так давно вивчався з позицій аналізу віково-статевих закономірностей. Але до сих пір у наукових роботах не був досліджений психологічний аспект підліткової групи та вплив футзалу на нього. У цій статті розглядається позитивний вплив футзалу на адаптацію студентів-першокурсників до соціального життя у колах вищого навчального закладу.
Physical development of teenagers (in this article freshmen of universities are considered) in our country not so long ago was studied from the standpoint of analyzing the age and sex patterns. A large amount of material on the average age of the morphological and functional features dynamics was accumulated. Methods of physical education, age- appropriate opportunities and social needs were developed on this basis. As advancing research it was found that children of the same chronological age do not constitute a homogeneous group: significant percentage of children of the same age differs in terms of physical development, level of biological maturity and level of their motor activity demonstration. But until now in the scientific works there was not explored the psychological aspect of adolescent and futsal influence on him. In this article is discussed about the positive impact of futsal on adaptation of freshmen to the social life of the university community.
Social adaptation is the adjustment of individual (one particular student) and group (first-year students) behavior to conform with the prevailing system of norms and values in a given society, class, or social group. Social adaptation occurs in the process of socialization and also with the aid of mechanisms of social control, which include social pressure and state regulation.
Social adaptation becomes increasingly significant in universities when social change affects important aspects of life over comparatively short periods of time. Team-played sport games, such as football, hockey and especially futsal, have a great influence on social adaptation of freshmen. There will be shown aspects and features of this big influence in this article.