У статті представлено аналіз існуючих програм фізкультурно-оздоровчих занять з плавання для дітей
дошкільного віку. Виявлено значні розбіжності підходів до формування основ техніки плавання дошкільнят та
недостатнє вирішення проблеми оздоровлення дітей, в тому числі і за допомогою занять в умовах водного середовища.
Більшість існуючих методик навчання плаванню покликані ефективно вирішувати завдання освоєння дітьми плавальних
умінь, при непрямому вирішенні завдань їх оздоровлення.
The article
presents an analysis of existing programs of physical education and recreational exercises in swimming for children of preschool
age. Significant divergences of approaches to the formation of the basics navigation equipment for preschoolers and the decision of
health problems are revealed. The results of researches of authors testify to the stability of the tendency to decrease the health level
of children of preschool age, which is expressed in the high percentage of their morbidity, decrease the level of physical
development and preparedness, including among children who train in swimming in conditions of preschool educational institution.
Programs of sporting and recreational swimming lessons for preschool children are compiled on the basis of
comprehensive programs and include the methods of famous scientists on the given problem. In addition, specialists use also partial
programs that supplement the content of the invariant and / or variational component of existing comprehensive programs and are
additional to them, and can independently outline the tasks and content of the work on the implementation of a certain component of
the variational part of the Basic component of preschool education.
The analyzed programs revealed an insufficient solution to the problem of children's health, including through employment
in a water environment. Most of the existing methods of swimming training are designed to effectively address the tasks of the
children's development of swimming skills, with the indirect solution to the problems of their healing.